Did you know this?!

~ You probably did, but oh well, I'm bad at this sorta thing ^o)
I got tagged by Jack.

10 things about NickiNickiNicki you probably didn't know: [or maybe you did]

1) I got student of the year when I left primary school [I was a right geek B)]
2) I am rather short for my age, and I get told it a lot. xD
3) I have been to see most of my favourite bands live.
4) I can play the flute
5) One thing you will never see [if I can help it] is my legs.
6) I get hyper really easily, and say things I regret ^o)
7) At home it's just me and my mum; Dad walked out 13 years ago.
8) My dad couldn't even spell my name when he did live with us.
9) A drug dealer lives on the corner of my road. xD
10) I get confused mega easily; especially on msn.

I tag: Laura.G, Laura.B & Grace :3

Now, You must do this too and tag three more ppls! X3
