now turn away...

cause I am awful just to see.

2nd performance of syp.
~ went good ;D
And I had no people watching me tonight.
= No laughing Nicki
= All gooood ^-^

But there's this girl in our group..
Who is honestly pissing me off.
To the extreme.
She snaps at anyone who questions her.
~ Even if they're right, may I add.
But when she realises that everyone's getting annoyed?
She goes back to her happy self, and tries to befriend us.
It just annoys me.
Oh well, I have better friends there, who I shall stick with. xD

I have loads of people coming to watch me tomorrow:
My mum, my aunty, my two cousins, aunty Grace, my mum's mate Megan.
And possibly my mate Annabell as well, and she'll probs drag along Jenna and that lot. xD
I hope I don't laugh :3
It should be fun though, and backstage is such a laugh with Bobbi & Hazel. :L
We took a loada photos the other day of us being oh-so-slightly mental.
~ It was epic.

Okay, now I'm going cause I am bored. xD
Nickiii :]
