ease on down, ease on down the road!
Wow. Had the last two performances of SYP today..
It was epic, but sad.
Cause I'm gonna miss everyoneee <3
Next year's SYP got announced;
Sounds amaze, but I dunno if I can do it next year D;
Everyone in our group seems to be doing it next year though.
Gawd it's only been almost an hour since we left syp. [aftershow partyyyy (yn)]
& already I've been in contact with three people that did syp :L
Ah, syp this year was epic.
More epic than last year.
And last year was pretty epic. xD
This girl called Charlotte, who did it last year.
She couldn't do the syp this year, but she could come to the performance tonight ^-^
I havent seen her since last year!
I met up with her once after syp had finished..
But she has changed so much. :L
*Sighs* I'm gonna miss syp. xD
Byeee ;D