No you don't belong to me;

I think you lied to me.
And with my back against this wall, it's hard to be strong.

But our train got stuck on the way back, and then we got delayed in the car BY a train crossing :L
So I didn't get back til 1.30am ._.
I was sho tired in the morning.

Today's been strange.
English: This was epic. I was also happy I didn't have to do my speech whilst being so tired. x3
Maths: This was bad. Some people were really annoying me [I know it was just 'cause I was so tired] and my teacher annoyed me.
Lunch: I got questioned, and I couldnt stop laughing :L
Science: This was hilarious :L Me and Hannah wrote a strongly-worded letter to Jack [which he was very upset about the fact it wasnt a love letter]. And then David got moved in front of us, and he winded up with a detention. We also got accused of chatting him up ._. Eww, he's skanky. :L
After school: Omg, I got accused of something sooo funny :L:L But I was quite offended that I got asked it >.<

I am unbelieveably tired.
And I have Fados.
I'm gonna be falling asleep by then ._.

Will post after fados.
Nickiii (:
