Inside I'm hiding;

Outside I'm too exposed..

Ahaha. I had a science exam today.
It went a lot better than I planned.. But not exactly brilliant. :L
Out of all my subjects; science is the one I struggle with.
So. In theory, things should only get better from here. ;D
.. Well, apart from the other science exam.. >.>
I revised soo much last night. But the final hour of revision really helped.
If it wasn't for that final hour, I wouldn't've been able to answer a lot of the questions, coz there was loads about one section I was unsure of until I revised it. :')

Anywho, we've just broken up for half term.
A week of no school.
I should be happy. But I know it's just gonnaa be full of revision. ;_;

I'm off to go and revise now, and I have FADOs later. Funnnn. It's stopping June 25th.
A bit upsetting in an odd way, but I suppose we could see it coming. :L
I'm hoping to go the adult one instead though, coz that isn't stopping. :)
I can't get into any other dramatic/theatre groups local coz you have to be able to sing. And I can't. ><

Goodbyee. (:
