Chat #1

Pinkshu: LALIHO!!!! I'm pink! I'm a 'shu'! I'm Pinkshu! This is the debut of my chats. Yay! I hope they are funny.
Yuki: I think they're stupid. I mean your opening was pathetic.
Pinkshu: Well, at least I'm not a novelist that doesn't know many words.
Yuki: (silent)
Pinkshu: Anyways, if you guys are here, then that means you loved my chats. If not, then I shall summon the giant robots pandas. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Shuichi: Hey, Yuki?
Yuki: What is it?
Shuichi: Doesn't Shu act like a mix between me and Reiji?
Yuki: Yeah, but I wouldn't put he in the hot category like Reiji.
Shuichi: What do you mean? Do you put anyone into categories?
Yuki: Yes.
Shuichi: Tell me, Yuki. What category am I in?
Yuki: You're in your own category; the special category.
Shuichi: Special? I'm special to you?
Yuki: What I mean was...
Shuichi: YAY! You hear that Shu? I'm special to Yuki.
Pinkshu: YAY! Now we have two things to celebrate, the debut of these chats, and for you becoming special to Yuki.
Pinkshu + Shuichi: (Start dancing)
(Celebration starts playing. All the other Gravitation characters come in and start dancing)
Yuki: (Sigh) Why am I surrounded by idiots? (tries to get out)
Shuichi: (trips and falls on the floor)
Yuki: (Trips over Shuichi and starts going through a chain reaction of pain)
Everyone - Yuki: (Watches Yuki go through pain)
*2 hours later*
Pinkshu: Well guys, because of tripping over Shuichi and all that, Yuki is now in the hospital and in a lot of pain.
Shuichi: But that's ok. Cause I know how to make Yuki feel better.
Pinkshu: How?
Shuichi: I baked him a cake (holds up cake)
Pinkshu: (Nervous) I'm not sure if giving him that cake will be a good idea.
Shuichi: What are you talking about? Yuki will feel terrific after I give him this. (trips)
(Cake falls into plant that just randomly appeared and explodes)
Pinkshu: (Breaking the silence) At least you didn't give that to Yuki.
Shuichi: (breaks out crying) Why does everything I do screw up?
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: (randomly appears) Well if you did give it to Yuki, all the people that wanted Yuki for their own could've had a piece of him
Shuichi: (starts crying harder)
Pinkshu: Oh hey. It's my good friend GrimmjowXDJaggerjack.
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: How's it hanging, Shu? And remember to call me GrimmXD
Pinkshu: Ok GrimmXD. You do know that you've come at a bad time, right?
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Did I? I didn't notice. I came here for the party.
Pinkshu: Well, I'm sorry to say that the party was over two hours ago when Yuki got into the accident of tripping over Shuichi.
Grimmjow: Ok. Another reason why I'm here. Have you've seen Grimmjow?
Pinkshu: Is that him hiding behind that tree that just randomly appeared?
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: (looks at the tree that just randomly appeared to see Grimmjow hiding behind it) There you are, Grimmjow!
Grimmjow: Aw, crap.
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Come on. I need you for my story. (drags Grimmjow away)
Pinkshu: Well, that was the chat today everyone. I hope you enjoyed it.
