Pinkshu: LALIHO!!! This is Pinkshu! On the last chat, GrimmXD and I were trying to get Shuichi and Yuki back together. Of course the first plan didn't work so now we have no choice but to use... PLAN B! (laughs maniacally while there is thunder and lightning and creepy music plays)
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Hey Shu? What is Plan B anyways?
Pinkshu: I don't really know actually. I mean I have been thinking about it for the whole week and I've come up with nothing. And how do you really get a sarcastic romance novelist and a melodramatic rockstar to become a couple once again? We would need some kind of genius plan that will work 100% to get those two together.
???: And I can help you with that.
Pinkshu: Who said that?
(Smoke comes)
???: I am a genius with everything you have just said and I will help you get your boys back into a couple.
Pinkshu: You will?
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: How do we know we can trust you? Who are you?
???: I am a master of everything. I can control time and space... Actually I can't. Who can anyways other than Dialga and Palkia in the Pokemon series? But back to my introduction, I am skilled with many martial arts skills. I am... (moves out of the fading smoke and starts coughing) ... Narutoku!!!!!!!
Pinkshu: Hiya Narutoku! How are you?
Narutoku: I'm good. But now I'm hungry for a cookie.
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Aww, you got me hungry for one too!
Pinkshu: Same here! Let's go get cookies!
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack + Narutoku: Yeah!
(After buying some cookies)
Narutoku: Aw man. These are some delicious cookies. Where did you buy them?
Pinkshu: Walmart.
Narutoku: Nice.
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: So what brings you here Naruku?
Narutoku: Well, I heard you guys were in these chats and I wanted to be a part of it!
Pinkshu: You're welcome to do so!
Narutoku: Thanks Shu. But now back to the business I started before, I'll help you get Shuichi and Yuki back together.
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: How are you going to do that?
Narutoku: (Is about to speak then freezes) You just had to ask, did you?
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: So you're saying you do not have a plan.
Narutoku: Nope. Not really.
GrimmhowXDJaggerjack: So how were you going to get them together?
Narutoku: I don't know. I just thought that if I said that I knew how to get them together, you would have me be part of the chats.
Pinkshu: Back to square one.
Narutoku: But not to worry, ladies. I WILL FIND SOME WAY EVEN IF IT COSTS ME MY LIFE!!!!!! (walks forward and falls into hole)
Pinkshu: Where'd that hole come from? (looks inside hole to see Grimmjow digging and Narutoku sitting where he fell)
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Grimmjow! I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing digging a hole?
Grimmjow: Nothing.
Pinkshu: If it's nothing, how come you have that bag big enough to hold a person?
Grimmjow: No reason.
(Bag moves)
Narutoku: Let's see what's inside. (opens bag to see Ryuichi inside)
Ryuichi: (crys) That big scary kitty person is being so mean! (runs away)
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Grimmjow? Were you trying to bury Ryuichi alive?!
Grimmjow: Nnnnnnnooooooooooo.
Pinkshu: You were, you big meany!
Grimmjow: Ok! I admit it! But you try to deal with him and his stupid pink rabbit! He deserves to be dead! I'm not sure if there'll be anyone who'll miss him.
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Yes there will considering that he's a famous star!
Pinkshu: Wait! Grimmjow has given me an idea on how to get Shuichi and Yuki back together! (whispers idea to GrimmXD and Naruku)
Narutoku: You think it will work?
Pinkshu: I know it will!
(2 hours later)
Narutoku: So when will the plan start?
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Ichigo and Grimmjow should've told them by now!
Pinkshu: Don't worry guys! They will be here in 3... 2... 1...
(Car smashes into wall that just randomly appeared. Yuki comes out of car)
Yuki: Where's Shuichi? Where is he?
(Motorcycle comes with Hiro and Shuichi on it)
Shuichi: Shu? Is Yuki ok? (looks over at Yuki) Yuki! You're alright!
Yuki: Shuichi? But I was told that you were dying in this spot.
Shuichi: I'm not dying! I was told that you were dying here!
Pinkshu: You both are dying... Dying to see each other! You both rushed here because you were worried about the other one dying! Now forget this stupid competition and get back together.
Shuichi: Well, it was very immature of me.
Yuki: Yes, it was very immature of you.
Shuichi: Excuse me! You also acted pretty immature as well. You're always so mean to everyone. Including myself.
Yuki: I thought you knew me by now, brat! I'm still trying to get used to this. Having you in my life is a big change for me. It doesn't mean that I don't like it.
Shuichi: Really? Oh Yuki!
Pinkshu: Aww. You both are so cute together. Now why don't you little lovebirds head back home and show each other how much you loved the other.
Yuki + Shuichi: (leave in Yuki's car)
Narutoku: Wait! Let me get this straight. They were close to splitting up because of a competition?
Pinkshu: Yep!
Narutoku: Do you deal with this every chat?
Pinkshu: Pretty much!
Narutoku: I LOVE IT! This will be so much fun!
Pinkshu: Uh huh! Now where did GrimmXD go?
GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: (runs past Shu and Naruku with a magnum) I HAVE THE MAGNUM!!!!!!!!
K: (chasing GrimmXD) GIVE ME BACK MY MAGNUM!!!!!!!!!
Pinkshu: Oh boy! Well, that was Chat #6! Hope you enjoyed it. Now Naruku, let's go help get the magnum away from GrimmXD before she tries to kill someone with it and before K tries to kill her.
Narutoku: Ok.
Pinkshu + Narutoku: Bye everyone!
Chat #6