Hello Otakus Of All Statuses
and welcome to

I know I spelled 'Diary' wrong on the title.
this is the world where I shall post about my life and what happens in it even though nothing does
and here a lil about me....
Name:Niko Chan
Likes:winter,talking,flowers,eating,music,mirors,butter,learning new stuff and languages,vampires.ect.
Dislikes:ketchup,mayo,mustartd,onion,bugs,school,math,Algebra,evil poeoples&teachers
OBSESSIONSANDADDICTIONS:cats,pink,chocolates,sunflower seeds,Harry Potter,TV,movies,computer,popcorn,cakes,sparkly shiny stuff,fluffy stuff,icecream.etc.
Hobbies:drawing,photografing,computering,aime,basket ball,collecting things,reading,making accories
hope you enjoy your time here *prays*
so the weekend is over,it's like over 11:30pm,me has skool tomorrow and still not done with HWs,so so many homeworks,and I didn't do any art at all and I really truly missed coming here,I've came yesterday,checked on all of your updates,but didn't comment,and now I'm really regreting being lazy with all of this,I have only 1 good news though.........
it's really cool,but I'll tell you all about it later,cuz now I gtg to bed so I can wake up early and get me a good locker -yes we have lockers now-
I'm so really really really sorry Otakus,please accept my apology,but high skool is tough,very tough
hopefully I'll see you tomorrow *peace*
2 days of hell in highskool
sorry I can't be here for long,my mom wants me to go to bed
I MEAN IT'S ONLY 10:30 :O SO NOT FAIR,just so I can wake up early for "school"
hell with skool,me wants Otaku peeps
so yeah me so sorry if I didn't comment or reply to something of yours,I get to be here for a lil while and messenger peeps just keep talking DX
Sosa moved to a new skool -__- I feel like I can't live without her,the girl've been sitting on my left for 2 years,she can't just disappear,she just can't D':
so she's calling me everyday,but she says that her mom'll be taking away the phone and the laptop cuz of skool,so I'm not gonna have any contact with her,this sucks
Fa-chan didn't show up today,and taboo chan's class is far a bit,when it's recess time by the time I get there she's already gone,I dunno why she won't wait for me .__.'
I'm not really getting along with my classmates,nor the english teacher,and I'm really feeling lonely in that skool,it's hard to handle
my backpack weighs 10klg,that's alot!
ok,me needs to go,sorry again for not commenting on everything,I'll try my best next time *determind*
wish me luck in highschool ok?
oh,and question of this week is:how many atoms is there in a living creature?
that science is really getting into me,I HATE IT =__=
see ya later
lolz,the title is a post itself XP
so yeah,me goona tell ya poor kids the almost whole story of my 1st day in highskool
1st of all,the uniforms,we got outta the maids uniform to enter the juvie uniform,but it's better than the maids' one right?
so I slept at like 11,then woke up at 5 and went to skool at 6:30
there was an only 1 10th grader,I knew her,she was with me and the guides girl thing in 8th grade,so we said hi,made fun of our classes and being thrown away from our friends,I'm in the 10/5 class btw,sosa,taboo chan and fa-chan are all in 10/9,and Sosa is going to a private skool,her mom won't let her to this creepy skool,even Fakon moved,but to a public skool,anyways,it was some time before 1st period started,seen many girls,THEY DO WANT QUESTION OF THE DAY =__=
I'll scan their sigs later,anyway,some teachers seem nice,but as for the girls,it doen't feel like a skool at all,it's like some sorta....... well I'm not so sure what to call it,I'll come up with a naming later
I have physics,chemestry,biology,english,geography,and other subjects,OH WE HAVE A BOOK FOR P.E. THAT'S RIDICULOUS XD
lol,another stuff from the skool day:Fa chan's sis works there as a music teacher YAY
I had my notebook and started walking around skool collecting signatures from girls,I saw Ray and the gang,so I jumped in their face and they started all talking at the same time,ya know the kinda conversation where everyone is like AWWW,OOH,REALLY?NOWAY,OMG and laughing at the same time,you just can make out what they're saying ._.'
so,I can;t write more than that right now,it's like 11 and Im still awake and not finished with HWs on hope that I'll wake up early and finish 'em,sorry if I missed any of your things,or didn't reply to something ,I'm too exhausted
see ya on Friday Otakus -or tomorrow-
Hi Otakus
sorry I haven't been on for the past coupla days,the big problem I was sensing happened,but hopefully it's solved now,hopefully
*looks at title*well,I guess you guessed,skool is tomorrow,I dun feel like I'm ready for skool,nor highskool
so yeah,I'll try to go there early before everyone else,so I can see my friends coming,not enter a bit late and find everyone there and feel like a total fool -if you think that's hard to understand,I agree-
I mean,if you get to skool late on the 1st day,you'll find alot people,and you'll have to say hi and shake hands with all of the many peeps,but if you arrive early,you can welcome peeps one at a time
GOSH I MISS MY FRIENDS X3 that's like the only good thing about skool
ok,ok, I know you peeps are about to throw up cuz of all that skool talk,so me ish gonna change subject -I dun mean skool subjects-
umm,well,nothing is going on besides that in my life,uh,I haven't had my haircut yet,mom suggested that I go to the 1st week of skool in my longish hair then cut it on the 2nd week,that way peeps can see me in 2 different looks XP
fun facts?:-
my cell phone credit is 3.003
my e-mails are 2008,ugh,that's soo last year XD ok,just turned to 2009 :O
I finally got 2000 views on this world,thanks guys :'D
these facts aren't fun? sorry -__-
anyways,I'm gonna do a survey on the 1st day to see if the girls want the question of the day thing again -if I mentioned this story before,sorry I forgot,my memory is weak-
so maybe I've told you that last year,everyday I used come up with stupid questions,one for each day and ask the entire class and everyone I see on my way,and I was also intending to post those questions on my 'Stupid Quetions' world,but I keep forgetting,so I'm outta ideas for these questions so I decided not make 'em this year,but still I'm gonna ask the girls,if they did want it,I'll turn it from the 'question of the day' to 'the question of the week' XD
I'll try to work on my art during skool too,so I don't miss any deadlines,and I'll work on comics too^^
ex. to my stupid questions:what does the fly eat?
wish me luck in skool :D
see ya
btw,skool=me not coming here much,maybe I'll see you on the weekend^^ maybe ._.'
that what happens when you can't think of a good title,force peeps to say that they dun want one,make 'em solve your problems
Greetings Otakus
so,once again,not much has been going on in my pointless lifestyle,but I smell that there's a trouble coming soon *sniffs around* yup,a big one,but I'd like to stay positive and not have a blackberry ;P
I've also been having pre-skool depression,so I'm not scoring with art -o-
though,this is a sketch I made the moment me and Saku Chan decided to make our comic,even before doing the characters

uh,this is a messy,not clear,and non-texted comic,so far,I'll also make the start of the things that happened before that,and the things that happened after that,wish me luck in getting it done XD oh,and the cover too :D
if you had read the story you'd prolly figure out what we're aying,the links are in the previous post,too lazy to put 'em on again,it's past 9pm,in my current sleeping routien,that's really really truly late O.O
so I'll catcha guys later ok^^
see ya