Hi to you all
Yeah I missed everyone here cuz there's no time mercy thingy
I got 3 prizes today (so did Aya san) 1 for being queen of manners and values or somethin' like it
2 for getting good grades at a subject
3 for getting too mane positives (school thing they made it up)
and my class got a cup too for having the least absent students
we might've been the only school working today only cuz we have a test, all other schools were off today (there's some holiday going around here)
Many absent girls and many took off after the test -even Sosa-
Everyday we have 7 periods but on Thu. We have 6
but school was out after the 5th which was cool since all the girls started jumping around including me and all started congratulating their friends with the holiday and saying goodbye stuff :P
and since we're out early our parents weren't at school to pick us up so we stood on the sidewalk saying happy holiday to everyone that passes in front of us
they'd look at us in a weird look then smile and say 'to you too'
then I went back home took a nap then woke up and went to gramma house (we gather there every Thu.)
it was fun there too, I sorta convinced kidz to give me some o thier own money >:D
and I'm home now and it's already 1:47am so I'll be going to bed and hoping I'll do some commenting stuff here tomorrow^^
oh happy days I just wish they last for ever
see ya