- Created By ima loser baby
i know that it seems like all that i am posting is about how VV has torn us apart, or how much i dislike the new system, but i really can't help it. It just really upsets me everyday when i get on and realize i hardly have any friends left on theO or myO.
Things i think you should read:
- A Song that Voices Never Shared by CosmicSailor
- All about Version Vibrant by AngelBest Dream
- Untitled by ElvesAteMyRamen
But on a different note, i actually think Adam is trying. If your a MyO member, and haven't already seen the message, you should check it out.
- Top 3 Requests by Adam
Go and post what you want done about MyO, and maybe, just maybe it might get done.
feelings towards vv
first off i want to thank mayumi94 for being so awesome and actually sticking around throughout all this chaos your really awesome! and plus John, who has been commenting, amanda too, but yall don't really count :P lol j/k. i love all you guys!
and i just wanted to comment about my feelings towards VV. i want to say first that if i hadn't already been a member of MyO, i would have loved this version, but i also wouldn't have known the closeness i shared with members before VV. the only reason i got an account was because of my friend John and Amanda, and even then i was real iffy. but i fell in love. i started meeting alot of awesome people, and i was obsessed with myO. i actually had people comment on my art, unlike DA, and i had friends other than my in life friends like on mysoace. i would get on check my comments and pms, and i would stay on for what seemed like hours customizing my site with html. and then the change. i was actually looking forward to the change because well i love new stuff.
now everyone has left, and i hardly get any comments, on here or myO. i can't customize, i just have no reason to get on anymore. honestly, i know this sounds a little dramatic, but the change actually turned me off from getting online at all.
when i first signed up, me and my friends kind of made it a race to see who could get the most guestbook signatures. i wanted to make it to 100, i even bragged to a friend who had made it to 100 that i hoped it didn't take me as long as it did him. i'm stuck at 81, and even though i can still get them, no one wants to even stay with MyO anymore they are either leaving for good, or leaving for theO. so i'll be stuck at 81 for a long while i guess, probably forever.
i am so disappointed with the change that i don't really know how to express it completely. i just wish things would go back to normal. everyone was happy with it as it was, i'm not one for change when i am perfectly happy the way thigns are. never change a good thing.
i got the Blood+ volume 1 with episodes 1-5 yesterday, and its really awesome! thats the first time i've ever watched it. I also got this rebate thing in it, and i get 10 bucks and a t-shirt and stuff, so thats pretty sweet.
i don't remember his name, but he keeps calling Saya master and stuff, and in a way he reminds me ALOT of Soubi from loveless when he has his hair pulled up. i love soubi
but yeah pretty much it.
ok so now that i've finally figured the new vv out, i am officially grabbing this world for my own. It just goes with my name *Shrugs*