~I'm again new to this, but well, I'll try to do something decent here xD I still have some dear friends left from myOtaku, so I hope there will be people reading this :D I hope there will be some new friends gathering here too, so yeah ^w^

I'm at university now, beginning my seventh semester soon [scary shit! time flies too fast ;0;]...Currently I'm studying Japanese and East Asian Art History and hopefully I'll have my Bachelor at the end of this semester >_< I'm planning on going to Japan next year, but we'll see if that will happen.
I have to restudy everything from first year japanese studies, because my kanji/grammer/reading is awfully rusty. x_x

I love to draw and plan on upload a lot of pictures here, especially those still in progress, which I don't show anywhere else *fufufufu*. Another thing I love to do is write, but mostly in German, so yeah ^^''. I have only one story in English which is just....awful, because I wrote it back in high school. But I plan on drawing/writing two mangas in English (both fantasy, though the latter will be BL xD''). Hopefully I can reach a state where I can upload them (I'm awfully slow. and I used the word awful too many times now...).

sooo, this introduction sure turned out to be veeery long >_<....hopefully see you around and enjoy ^w^

~ visit me on ~

~°^°~animexx~°^°~animexx (german)~°^°~deviantart~°^°~facebook~°^°~youtube~°^°~imeem~°^°~

~ visit my friends ~

~::~ just.me ~::~ angel zakuro ~::~

~ [♥ celldweller ♥] ~

with my hands on my mind
I hold worlds that won't mend
with my eyes open wide
I can see - it's the end


well, yeah, it's finally the date!!! tomorrow I'll be heading to zurich airport real early in the morning (courtesy of living in a town that far away from actual civilization), and meet there with 6 other students (unfortunately one had to cancel, which is kind of sad because she was looking forward to it and is a good colleague of mine) and our professor to get the plane flying to atlante, where we'll take the one going to chicago. there we will stay like one week and have some fun. yeah, that's what I hope it will turn out :D actually, we have to do some research at the field museum of art, so it won't be entirely for selfish means we'll be there (but well, if university pays for your flight, you kinda have to do something, dontya?). aaaanyway, after analyzing a bunch of japanese and chinese art pieces and deciding whether or not they should remain in the boone collection or if they actually are of some value, we'll have some spare time for us, which I'm looking forward to >3<
on the 26th I will - all alone :cry: - head to New York and try to find a way from JFK airport to my hostel. I'll stay in NYC for nearly a week...and I'm scared to hell, because -> my hostel is in harlem -> I have to buy tons of souvenirs -> I have to buy a lot of things from the New York City Ballet - which I should find first, I have to say -> I have to buy a looot of postcard and send them all over the world (no, seriously, south korea, france, germany, switzerland, venezuela...???) -> have enough money to savely get home to switzerland.... well yeah. I guess somehow I'll manage, I always do.
though this is the first time I will be travelling alone on a place I've never ever visited before - and yeah, I'm 22, I know, but still - which makes me kinda nervous >_< but it's good practice for when I'll spend a whole YEAR in japan xD (well, hopefully, sometime next year around this time). at least I can make myself understood in english, so I guess it's not like I couldn't understand anybody or vice-versa [this would be a problem for my mom, who actually only says "I love you, I need you" "my name is" and "nice to meet you". and, "I like pizza", other than that, nothing. she'd be in the hands of a pervert in seconds XD].
well...this means, ima is off for two weeks. though...I will have my baby notebook with me, which means, if the "w-lan available" sign in both hostels is right, I'll be able to go online a few times and maybe even be able to upload some photos on deviantart *__*~ I think, this will be mostly the case in new york, where I'll be alone and returning quite early to the hostel (since yeah, it's still in harlem and I don't want to return after 8 pm, I guess).

sooo...dudes, have a great time, those of you starting with school...don't die after the first day; those of you who still have vacation: enjoy them!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
love ya all!!! *love*


shaping my room O3O

sooo...today my room went shapeshifting. I did this years a go like monthly...but now I only get to do that once a year if I'm lucky D:
my mom gave me some CD-shelves and now they are right next to my window...containing no CDs at all but some of my mangas and all my DVD's ^^ and I could throw away a lot of things that were lingering around...so I have more space too which now makes my room look bigger ^^ *happy dances around*
and I still didn't finish the taxes thing because I was helping my room to shapeshift *fail* and my suitcase for wednesday is still empty *even bigger fail*. I will have to iron all my clothes and everything before I go...naaaahrgh...so much to do and I really have no motivation whatsoever to do those things >_<
though tomorrow me and my mom will go shopping to get the things I need ^^ I'm really looking forward to it :D

oh, and I'm totally hooked by thing song here (the vid is quite cute too):

ah well...since it's reaaaally late now (nearly 5 am), I'll get going and nah...hope you're guys are doing fine!!! >3<

greets and cuddles,
ima ^3^

getting the hang of this...I guess.

so. now I found out that there are actually a lot of things you can do with your world *happy dances around*.
it's a shame I found out about this just now, since next wednesday I'll be already heading to chicago ö-ö
BUT I'm planning on taking my dear notebook with me. one reason is, that we will go to the field museum and I'd like to have the CD's with the collection's pics with me so I can check them. but the other reason is probably the one I really wanna have my baby with me [well, actually my notebook is being more like a bitch than a baby, but yeah, sometimes revers psychology and soothing does some good to it xD], is the fact that I'll be staying in Harlem when I go to new york. I'll be practically alone, and since I've heard so many bad things about new york and specially harlem at night, I decided I'll be going back to the hostel early. this means, since I sleep horribly bad and am accustomed to stay awake till midnight and mostly longer, I'll have a lot of time to kill. the hostel information stated they have free W-LAN, sooooo....I'll be having a good time online :D (or so I hope, if baby-bitch will let me do so). it'd be great, since it would mean that I can upload photos on deviantart the same date I took them :D [which would spare me some time editing and organizing it back in Switzerland...].

ah well, I was looking around for travel protection assurances, and hell, it's quite complicated. I don't know which one to pick ö_ö I'll wait for my father to come home later and discuss it with him. life sure isn't easy >>'' we have travel protection, but only for europe -.- and I'm not sure whether to take a one-year protection or one for only those two weeks I'll be staying in the states. it may be that I'll be going to Japan next year, so I'm seriously thinking about making a deal for a whole year. Obviously it's more expensive [some 135 bucks or so], but still, I think I'd be better off with that, since the one for 17 days I just about 80 bucks, and yeah, it's only for 17 days oô....well, I'll see. my father should know which one I'll have to pick :D

oh, there is something I wanted to share with you ¦D I'll give a huuuuuge virtual coockie to anyone, who can decipher what the hell this guy is singing (it is supposed to be english - we already deciphered some of his mumbo-jumbo):

beware: it's totally stupid, but it somehow has this "it's-nonsense-and-I-know-it-but-I-can't-help-rewatching-it-1000-times" magic x_x a good colleague of mine and me were watching it a looooot of times. when we stopped, we had to rewatch it some hours later again xD''
our conclusion by the way is, that you can only truly understand him when you're dead drunk (which we weren't), so yeah xD there is a chipmunk version too, hehe. and, read some of the comments, the comments are sometimes even funnier than the vid itself :D

...okey, enough >_< I wrote like half a testament and I still have to do the taxes thing [I didn't even start yet and I'm supposed to be finished with it his weekend ó____ò]


new with this o_o

yeah. very original name, I know. I just wanted to test this thing ö_ö
I had a veeeery long break from myotaku so I figured I wanna test every new thing xD