well, yeah, it's finally the date!!! tomorrow I'll be heading to zurich airport real early in the morning (courtesy of living in a town that far away from actual civilization), and meet there with 6 other students (unfortunately one had to cancel, which is kind of sad because she was looking forward to it and is a good colleague of mine) and our professor to get the plane flying to atlante, where we'll take the one going to chicago. there we will stay like one week and have some fun. yeah, that's what I hope it will turn out :D actually, we have to do some research at the field museum of art, so it won't be entirely for selfish means we'll be there (but well, if university pays for your flight, you kinda have to do something, dontya?). aaaanyway, after analyzing a bunch of japanese and chinese art pieces and deciding whether or not they should remain in the boone collection or if they actually are of some value, we'll have some spare time for us, which I'm looking forward to >3<
on the 26th I will - all alone :cry: - head to New York and try to find a way from JFK airport to my hostel. I'll stay in NYC for nearly a week...and I'm scared to hell, because -> my hostel is in harlem -> I have to buy tons of souvenirs -> I have to buy a lot of things from the New York City Ballet - which I should find first, I have to say -> I have to buy a looot of postcard and send them all over the world (no, seriously, south korea, france, germany, switzerland, venezuela...???) -> have enough money to savely get home to switzerland.... well yeah. I guess somehow I'll manage, I always do.
though this is the first time I will be travelling alone on a place I've never ever visited before - and yeah, I'm 22, I know, but still - which makes me kinda nervous >_< but it's good practice for when I'll spend a whole YEAR in japan xD (well, hopefully, sometime next year around this time). at least I can make myself understood in english, so I guess it's not like I couldn't understand anybody or vice-versa [this would be a problem for my mom, who actually only says "I love you, I need you" "my name is" and "nice to meet you". and, "I like pizza", other than that, nothing. she'd be in the hands of a pervert in seconds XD].
well...this means, ima is off for two weeks. though...I will have my baby notebook with me, which means, if the "w-lan available" sign in both hostels is right, I'll be able to go online a few times and maybe even be able to upload some photos on deviantart *__*~ I think, this will be mostly the case in new york, where I'll be alone and returning quite early to the hostel (since yeah, it's still in harlem and I don't want to return after 8 pm, I guess).

sooo...dudes, have a great time, those of you starting with school...don't die after the first day; those of you who still have vacation: enjoy them!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
love ya all!!! *love*

