yeah, you heard right....and I forgot to write it down for days xD''
nah, anyway, ima is still on swiss soil. it happened because of a very, very stupid error happened: back in june, I had to renew my passport. at that time I had the choice to either chose a normal swiss passport or a biometric passport. because the normal passport is valid for ten years and only costs like 150 bucks (-> biometric is only valid for 5 years, costs 250 bucks and takes weeks to do it), I took the other one. they told me with the ESTA visa I had I shouldn't have any porblems.
the day came.
19th of August, ima is in the check in. all papers there, full packed, every detail tripple checked.
asked for passport and papers I receive a "sorry Ma'am, you can't fly today. you either show a valid visa, green card or biometric passport". so, my flight was cancelled and I was A LITTLE BIT devastated. my colleagues were really nice, hugged me and all, but yeah. ultimately there was nothing that could be done to change my fate. the flight was gone, so were all the consecusive ones (is to say, flight from chicago to new york and from there to zurich). and there is no chance whatsoever to restore or rebook them. so my money was gone too. I'm very happy that I thought about the travel protection a few days before the flight, so now I will go and check if maybe I can get the money from the flight and the money from the hostel - that won't refund the money - back.
I don't really think so, but yeah. it's worth a try ^^''
other than my total devastation that moment, I felt rather good afterwards. I had a really bad feeling about this trip somehow. maybe it wasn't meant for me to go.
AND, now comes a really nice bonus. since I now have a lot of money gathered for the flight, I will use it to go to the convention in germany (maybe some of you heard of's the Connichi in Kassel), which I wouldn't have been able to visit because of lack of money xD and I will be able to meet a loooooooooooooooot of friends. and next year I won't be able to go to conventions because I want to go to Japan, so it's better I see all my friends this year ^______^~ and my mom already told me she wants to go with me to new york (which is more selfish than you might think *is the only one in the family who actually is able to communicate in English so that other people might understand me*)... but yeah, she was really nice to me. I was kinda astonished xDDD~ my parents felt really sorry for me (more than I myself I think xD).
and now that my parents are in rome, I can visit some friends over to my place ¦D (one is playing ookami right now) yeah, there is some good to be seen from this situtaion here xD
so, sorry, I can't provide you with nice photographs from chicago or new york, but I sure will take some pics at the connichi ^3^