facebook =___=''

well yeah, even ima can't resist forever.
I honestly dislike facebook, but darn, so many people already invited me there, that I really had no other choice whatsoever to decline.
now I really hate that everybody can search me after my name -_- sure, I still get to chose who can see me and who cannot...but still...how many people with my name exist on this earth? (I can tell you: NONE). anyway, I wanna see if I can get a pseudonym which most of my friends would understand and would not object to facebook's policy...tataaa...

but it's astonishing...after some hours I already have 32 friends...just so you get how many people already asked me (and there are still a lot who didn't yet confirm)...scary shit, I tell you D:

I added the link in my introduction...feel free to send me a friend request, if you're on facebook too ¦D

at least now nobody can ask me if I'm on facebook and receive a negative answer xD

(I mean, even those in the hostel I stayed in London asked me about it ö_ö)...

other than that, I went to the bank today ^^ sent the money for the friday ticket on the connichi and changed the dollars so I can pay for the ipod my colleague bought (YES, the currency change was 1.022 *_* which means it was nearly like swiss franks, mahahaa).
so...not really interesting...but yeah~ makes me all happy for what I'll experience this week *3*


ps: my handy really IS great...I was listening to music and watching some of my pics on the bus xD~ the real test will be on thursday when I'll go to university and check on the wireless :3
