there it is and I'm laughing (not in an evil way, more in a nostalgic "I was like that three years ago" way) at the new students xD most of them were walking to the train station because they still don't know the tram system sufficient yet xD (I do, hell, I know half or more of the line system by heart xD). Ah well.
But yeah. it's already 2 a.m. and I still have to go take a shower and prepare for tomorrow (not that there is a lot to prepare, I'll be going to zurich just for one f****ng lesson). but yeah. I don't really wanna go to that seminar ö_ö it's about visions of gandharan art. I'm not so into that, but yeah. can't help it, it's the only seminar provided by the art history section. and if I wanna get my bachelor this lifetime, I have to deal with it. same goes for the not any ounce more interesting seminar in japanese T___T'' but then again, the japanese seminar NEVER were interesting to begin with.
I'll just get over it somehow xD
...after uni I'll have to go to the bank and change some more euros *-* it's my connichi money! damn, I'm so nervous and excited!! I'll be going on wednesday night to a friend of mine, stay there (we'll be 4 or 5 people I think oô) and the next day we'll go to basel and from there heading to kassel (in the middle of germany). pheeew, I'm reaaaally excited! and I'll buy the nichi-tickets on wednesday afternoon...aaaah...well...I'm getting even more excited as I'm writing this xDDD~
ah well. I have to get so many things at the nichi xD my parents, my auntie and two friends already approached me for some gooddies ima shall bring home xDDD'' I don't know if I'll get the time to search for all those gadgets ö.ö and well...then there is my pile of things I wanna buy ö_ö which is...quite a lot. I can tell ya. it's always death for me in such places. I sincerly don't know how I'll get to cope with that condition (deadness???) in Japan xDD
anyway...I'll be having enough trouble finding all my friends there...I mean...with 5000 and more people attending there every day (I think it's way more, but I'm not sure...but at least 5000 ARE there). it's a huge areal, but still....there are so many cosplays, plushies, mangas, animes, freaks, more freaks, figures, CD's, merchandise...(*ima drooling just imagining it*). I'd say it's the only con I'd really spend my money to go to in my vicinity. the only other one I wanna visit it the japan expo in paris next year. but I've already checked out the Leipzig book fare and well...with that I don't need to check out the Frankfurt book fare (because it's smaller), and the Animagic, also somewhere in germany, doesn't seem to be that big either.
but nichi...hell, I know so many people going there, it's scary shit...
ah okey. it's getting even later. and I still haven't taken a shower. and I should kinda go and stop marvelling about something that will happen soon anyway.
ah..but it's soo....great...sooo much heaven on earth to believe it....
*stares at clock*
well, have a good time!!! I'll hopefully have no problems with the tent and everything xD'' (we'll be actually camping ö.ö). hope it won't get too cold xD and that we won't miss our train...and and and....I seriuosly have to get a hold of myself.
anyway (for the 100th time...I kinda have an affinity to use that word -_-''),....Ima is going to take a shower NOW. and head to university in six hours (naaargh!!! where are my holidays??? T___T) and wishing you all a good xD I won't be able to get online (maybe if I can use the lappy of my friend, I may), so love ya all!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
*spreading smoochies everywhere*
ps: just so you get an idea:
(I WAS THERE LAST YEAR!!! ah well...ignore the german language and just fancy the pics xD)
.> I wasn't actually at this particulary world record thing, but I sure was at the con :D