ninjas are awesome

samurais are great but ninjas are................................... awesome!!!!!!!!!
i mean srsly they go like wush and you can't see them and then, and then........ they throw like shuriken and go PUUUUUUUUUUFF!!!!! and turn into things !!!!!!!!!! that's like amazing you know!!!
i'm a ninja iam belive it i have like this flashy outfit and a scarf and i eat ramen PEANUT!!!!!!!!!!!(OK~...<.<)

some people say i'm crazy and i say to them:
"well whatevaaaaaa at least i'm a virgin!" and then they go like:
"yeah and for ever will be"

and them i go into corner where i sob and cut myself

i'm not emo i'm just a ninja, a sad ninja like Sasuke!! yeah that's right.....

i'm in love by the way that's cuz i eat to much chocolate...
my but's fat cuz i eat chocolate

do you think ninjas eat chocolate
well they must or i'll rape them *evil grind*

happy valentine's day in november!!!!!!!!!!



External Image

i don't own this art just found it on the internet and it's AWESOOOOOOOME!!!!!

(like me PEANUT!!!!!!(has anybody ever said that you're a FREAKING PSYCHO))
