...It should be really fun, I swear! XD
Here is the link!! <3 It would be cool to have more entries~
Well just decided to give ya'll a glimpse into Blue's life~
Staring with my precious puppy (well she's not rly a puppy, she's just small~) whose name is Arya (yes, like from Eragon) and meh favorite fuffly bear Moosh~
Aren't they Cuuuute~~~~!! X3

*oh gosh.... SO BORED!!!*
Here's the new one!
Pokemon: Chinchou
Name: Chii
Age: 18
Hair color: cerulean blue
Hair length: bob cut but a bit flowy
Eye color: Gold yellow
Skin tone: paleisk
Type of Pokemon: Water/Electric
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 10’’
Weight: 124 lbs
Held item: Amulet Coin
Relationships: None yet
Attacks: Bubble Beam (his personal favorite--it makes him feel cool when meeting people), Spark, Quick Attack, Water Pulse
Personality: : Very energetic but keeps a cool head and a hearty and mystic smile. He’s a bit of a flirt when a cute girl comes around and also has his fair share of teasing other boys for fun, but really he’s just looking for friends and for a good laugh to keep his mind off his past back on the island
Hometown: A small island off the coast of Cinnabar Island
Likes: Swimming, volleyball, blue raspberry snow cones, yoga, jogging, flirting, acting cool
Dislikes: Snow, not being included, Sharpedos (check his back story), people who take advantage of others, dogs
Fears: Thunder storms <3!
Weaknesses: Grass, Ground
Strengths: Fire, Flying, Ice, Water
Full Outfit: A skin-tight blue shirt that doesn’t cover his belly but covers his neck, light blue short shorts, sometimes blue sandals, his yellow and black crossed goggles, his poke ball belt, earrings that reach down almost to his elbows that have yellow electric bulbs on them
Looks: A roundish face that isn’t babyish but its smooth and clean, long and fit legs, a packed-in stomach, long fingers, fins on his elbows and calves, a cute hair curl on his head
Background: Lived on a small island all his life, but in the panick of a storm his friends left him there to almost be drowned by sharpedoes in the sea--he found himself washed ashore near the PGR Mansion

So... I'm sorry This isn't working in the pms but here you are, Otomi-San!
Pokemon: Chinchou
Name: Chii
Age: 18
Hair color: Cerulean Blue
Hair length: A cute flowy bob that goes to the chin XD And a cute hair-curl...
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Stolen from Zero-chan!
Listening to: "Across the Universe" by The Beatles
Eating: Strawberry cheesecake stroodles
★Your name?
Real: Oh you wish X3 But I'll tell you it's both Iraqi and Korean (though I've never been to those places and neither has any of my family~)
Otaku: Bluesen12 (wish i could change it.... Sigh....)
★When did you start drawing?
Since I could hold a pencil, but I only started manga when I was nine
★Which hand do you use for drawing?
Left <3
★Which is easier to draw - male or female?
Male.... Female has much too many curves for thier own good D:
★Which is easier to draw - long hair or short hair?
Long to about the chin, anything shorter is a headache
★Is it easier to draw the head facing towards the right or the left?
It's easier facing left but I'm getting a lot better at right
★Is it easier to draw the side view of the face or the front view?
side view at an angle, profiles are very difficult for me, but I'm practicing front veiw
★What do you have problems in drawing?
realistic animals, hands, cars
★What do you like to draw?
Cute chibi, elabrate hearts, bodies with a lot of motion
★Are you a traditional artist or a digital artist?
Both, I just scan my traditional to photoshop color it
★Where do you start drawing from?
★What is your drawing habit that you are aware of?
I lean so close to the paper my back started hurting (I think i crack it three times before I'm done)
★What do you keep in mind when you do lineart?
how clean it needs to be
★Any tips for coloring/shading?
ummm...paitence and practice!
★How long does it take to finish a piece of art?
To first draw it about ten mintues, five to ink it, then maybe half and hour to color it
★What music do you listen to while you draw?
depends on the mood of the drawing
★How long does it take you to come up with an idea?
depends on the day
★Your favorite drawing utensils?
7.0 mechanical pencil, inking pens, plastic eraser
★Your favorite color/the color that you use a lot?
I think I use blue and green a lot
★Your favorite style(s)?
flowing manga, realistic, bishojo
★Are you satisfied with your current art?
I love my style, but I wish I could inprove it to its fullest
★What kind of artist are you aimimg for?
I want to have the kind of cute stlye that everyone wants to have and loves to "AWW~" at
fun fun :3