Man, I have no life.... And no plans for Halloween. XD Pfffft. So Imma sit here, watching some Captain America (SUCH a fantastic movie, we watched it in 3D in the theaters and we all reached our for his abs at the same time XDDD) and playin' my Bioshock , which is scary enough when no one is around and it's super dark (Can't get passed the Medical Pavilian, which is weird cause I've gotten passed it before, but that Dr. Steinman guy freaks me the heck out) And I think I'm finally getting Bioshock 2 tonight for like 8 bucks--SUPER EXCITED.
I was excited to hear about all your costumes!--you guys probably have butt-loads of cool things to do this weekend XDD Luccckkkieeess
I'm getting better, this week has been looking up, but still there's been some downs. I just hope everyone will get better, so I can stop worrying about them and look at my own issues next.
Love ya guys : DDD