Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll~

So it's thanksgiving and I'm waiting to go to our family dinner in a few hours (there are so many of us XD) Then we'll play basket ball and then we'll get out the coupons in preparation for BLACK FRIDAY.

/game face

I'm totally ready for this guys, this year my mum and I are getting up around 3 am and driving into town for the craziness. Have any of you done Black Friday? It's super insane and while you're there you're like "WHY the heck am I doing this to myself?!? Ahhhhh D8" and then you go out for breakfast before the crack of dawn and you feel like a pimp because you survived the whole thing and you got a bounty of cheap stuff before the day even began.

It's awesome.

Hopefully, with the power of cheap things I can finally get my hands on a copy of Skyward Sword 8I

Anyway, are you guys havign a fantastic feast with family?? Are you doing black friday too??? Love to here your guys' feedback, it's nice to know what's up ; D

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great weekend!

