ok so i've finally discided to do this thing
well this is me below (don't i look smexy )

my name is alex i turned 16 years old on the 25th of august (not that long ago ) and i'm just starting college in which i'm doing a national diploma in musical theater. i like to watch random animes on veoh tv, i love to darw, i like hanging out with my mates and playing kingdom hearts on the playstation (god that game's sooooo old now ). i really hate people who are mean pick on or bully over people because of the way they are (belive me i was bullyed for most my life so far i know what it's like) i also hate anything veg and fruit related (just the things themselfs not the flavors e.g banana milkshake) i detest nuts flavor and texture alike i also hate the sun when it's really bright out (it hurts damn my nocteralness ).

well thats all i think utill i can be asked to do this over

~bye bye~


p.s the youtube video below was done by me :P

Welcoming the new year

well it's been a very long time since i typed here :P. this is my third post and look at it it's only a few hours till 2009 i can't wait.

well i'm looking farward to going back to college which is something i never thought i would say in my entire life, but it feels good cause i have fun at college .

i hope everyone also had an awesome christmas cause i know mine was i got a DS lite and a new laptop with windows vista on it . i also got some new clothes and some money which is always good.

and so this is me brokenwinges all ready for the new year i hope all of you are too. so now i shall finnish this and see you all in the new year.

~bye bye~

With Headaches Comes Loving Boyfriends

ok i know weird title but there ya go. ok so here it is i've just finnished (when i say just i mean at like 4:15pm D8<) i'm listening to music and i head hurts sooooo much and i don't know why it's both annoying and painful.i've finally been set a piece of homework (i don't really want any homework but i felt like mentioning it X3) in which i have to find out 3 facts about Queen Elizabeth the 1st that arn't on this little piece of paper that we have been given on her (sooooo confusing). also today i met the person who'll be working with my group on our shakespeare play (her name is carin and we're doing "tempest" by shakespeare ). my group is also starting to actully do some stuff on the play i'll be doing in december which is all good but we haven't been given parts yet (stupid teachers ) but i'm having fun and making a shit load of friends it's like the most friends i've ever had i know everyone in the national diploma group and there's like 27 of us and to ad on to that i know like 10 people doing other subjects so i'm very happy. and now for some really good news today my boyfriend (his name is matt and he is ) is coming over and it'll be the first time i've seen him in 2 weeks so i'm super happy and i'm plaining on having lots of fun with him over the week-end XD. well i'm off now i'll probably type in here tomorrow if my matt doesn't kill me for being on my computer first so i'll try and be sneekie and go on here while he does his homework anyways bye bye for now


Tired But Still Awake

ok so this is my first post and i KNOW that i should have something more interesting to talk about but i just feel like typing at the moment. Ok so this is whats happening at the minute i feel tired as hell, i have college in the morning (i live in ze uk so i only have to be 16 to go to college) but i've tryed and i can't sleep. i want to draw too for a collab that i'm in at the moment so yeah i've got alot on my mind. i also forgot to ring my boyfriend today when i was suppost to but i shall be seeing him tomorrow after college so it should be all good. i have my first key skills leason tomorrow too which i only have to take once a week but i'm still not looking forward to it. at the moent in college i'm prapering for a shakespear praforamce (i'm doing a national diploma in acting ) which im have to praform on the 4th of december which (dispite how it sounds) isn't that far away and i'm freaking out alittle but i'm sure it'll be ok. ok now thats all i've got to talk about i promiss that most of the other things i post'll be a bit more up beat and happy. speek to you all soon bye bye for now

