The God Jashin
--Meaning: "Evil God" or "Evil Heart"

The Jashin faith is for the devote of heart. Jashin is a strict lord, and those that take up his name and do not fulfill their obligation to the religious dogma of the faith will suffer in the next world far greater then anyone else, including those made into sacrifices to Jashin. However, as with any soul claimed and punished by Jashin, the suffering of those that defile the faith of Jashin, either by condemning the Lord as a practitioner of the faith or simply as a blasphemer, will be made to suffer by the followers of Jashin before they are permitted to receive their eternal damnation at the hands of Jashin. Anyone who claims, or has at one time claimed, to follow the faith of Jashin and does not uphold the dogma of the faith denies their right to life when faced against a true follower of Jashin.
The Laws of Sacrilege:
--To violate the sacred dogma of the Jashin faith is to invoke death upon yourself at the wrath of the true followers of Jashin.
--The dogma must never be shortened or forgotten. The primary prayers that go into the faith are those concerning battle and sacrifices, and the neglect of the prayers before or after combat constitute sacrilege.
--Taking the name of Jashin in vain is not sacrilege for His followers, though it is looked down upon for the name of Jashin to be disgraced by hose not dedicated to Jashin.

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