Dear Friend... you were ripped from me just like your little brother was a month ago...I'm really missing you and it hasn't been a day just want to say a few words to you...

Dear Rey,

You've been quite the role model for me just like your little brother...knowing that I wont be able to see you smile, laugh, or see you in general...makes me extremely sad...only for were murdered for money...your father told me that you guys were heading somewhere outside of that place...he stopped at another motel to rest and you went outside and never came back...he feels so guilty....your mom...she hasn't stopped crying...and broke your promise to promised you would be there at my wedding with my will but...I wont be able to see you. You were like a big brother to me just like Marco was..I learned a lot from you two and I'm sorry for not being able to introduce you to all my amazing friends here in cyberspace...just like when Marco died....I feel empty....I'm crying right now..but I promised you back when I was just 15, that I would be happy and try my best every day no matter what happens...I will try friend. I promise dear friend...
