
Soaps, my mom took me to Wal*Mart in Concord earlier to just get out of the house.
It went okay.
She farted really loud and stinky though... hahaha.
And kept abandoning me and leaving me at random areas.
So I was looking around at shoes, and pajamas, and jewelry.

There was happy bunny tshirt and short pjs.
I got therse lime green shorts that have like stars shooting from behind the yellow bunny and it big bold orange letters it says Hi Loser! and on my ass it says Hi Loser with the same stars.
Hah, And I got yellow happy bunny underwear hahahahahaaaa
Uhmmm.... I got life saver jellybeans.
And gummy worms.

I saaw these sweatpants and they had Kermit and I was like OMG BRITTANY WOULD LIKE THESE PROBABLY!!
So yea... I asked my mom if I could get her them for Easter and she said no,.

So Britt go to the Concord Walmart and look for them.... its the section near the jewelry counter and across the walkway from like register 13 or 15 second lttle clothes shelving unit in from that walkway.

I got Carebear bandaids today too.
They're fucking awesome...

And my mommy actually let me drive her car, and with her in it.
She was scared.

Ouch I just bit my tongue =[
Mkay so.
I have a half day today.
Woo hoo?
I'm cold.
And wet.
And yea.
I'm exhausted physically, but wide awke mentally?
If that makes ANY sense WHATSOEVER

Yea....Sooooo goo night??
Yesyesyes GOO.
