
I'm starting to shed a few tears.. and I hardly ever cry.
I can get wicked depressed but not cry.
I feel like I'm gonna start to like.. bawl my eyes out.

I'm just worried..
And I don't wanna be so worried.
I'm too worrisome a person.
Stresses me out more than I already always am.
Makes my head worse.
I swear my head is gonna explode one day...

Both of my temples are like, alternating turns on hurting reallly badly.
It sucks.. and its getting worse.

I just wish it would be okay again.
Would all be okay again.
Not that it ever was actually...

For once it'd be alright.
For one day, more wishful a lifetime.
But just a day, of pure bliss.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Good night.

Random picture for today..
