I decided the other night to create an avatar so I could pwn Adam. I got the idea after hearing from Sangome about how he decided, on a whim, to remove moderator gold from people in chat and only give it to one member. What makes this chat so fun is Adam gave me the perfect chance to clobber him before I was even done making this lovely avatar. lol
And here is the magical chat that lead up to my using this avatar briefly last night. I trimmed out a bunch of the conversation that was unrelated. It's still on the long side though. =P Anyway, enjoy!
Indi just had an evil thought
Sangome: oh no what
Indi: You'll see
Indi: won't affect you
Sangome: oh
Sangome: good
Sangome: >>;
Desbreko: So she says.
Indi: it won't
Sangome: B[
Indi: if it did
Indi: I wouldn't say anything
Indi: so she'd be surprised
Indi: since it's not for her
Indi: :3
Desbreko tells people and still surprises them
Sangome: SINCE WHEN?
Indi: I know dessy
Sangome looks at the original Jaderoll
Sangome: B[
Indi: he told beth and darren that he knew the perfect prank
Indi: and that they would never guess it
Sangome: oh, well
Indi: he was right
Indi looks for the right image to trim from
Kimmeh: brb.
Desbreko: brb tea
Desbreko went away.
Indi: hmmm, this should do nicely
SomeGuy joined the room.
SomeGuy: And how!
waywardwarrior: Hey James
Sangome: COLOR
Sangome: STAY
SomeGuy: Annyong haseo
Indi: hello James
Ninja Rukia: Not you James, this is a Foof http://theotaku.com/worlds/ygofoofcards
Ninja Rukia: lmao
Ninja Rukia: GO ADAM
Ninja Rukia: lmao
Desbreko came back.
waywardwarrior: but foof is jailbait...
Sangome: ...
Ninja Rukia: Foof eats gum and pencils
SomeGuy: Did Adam do something inappropriate in front of the children?
Adam: I'll just tell Beth I thought we had enough mods here
Adam: :)
Sangome: Pffft
Ninja Rukia gives Adam a Foof plushie
SomeGuy: . . . I could leave, if you want
Adam: you can only rat me out if I do something wildly inappropriate
Adam: not for doing something that's justifiable
waywardwarrior: and go dent more fan words?
SomeGuy: Like show off your banana hammock?
Adam: @_@
waywardwarrior is shot.
SomeGuy: Just started denting them, yeah
Ninja Rukia: SomeGuy: ...ewwwwww
Sangome: But the only reason you removed me and Timber's gold was just because of Kimmeh
waywardwarrior: BRAVO!
Sangome: And while Kimmeh is awesome
Sangome: That's not justifiable
SomeGuy: Hit a total copy-paste character guide just now. That was exciting
Adam: Timber left
Sangome: But I'm here
Sangome: =D
SomeGuy: Oh, but that's because Adam plays favourites
waywardwarrior: and where's Des' Gold?
Sangome: Plus even Kimmeh asked you to give me my gold back
Sangome: He took his too
Adam: I'll let SomeGuy judge this
Ninja Rukia: I'm going to voice this and be shot but here I go....
waywardwarrior: thought so
Sangome facepalms
Adam: SomeGuy: Kimmeh got accepted into her art program
Adam: so to celebrate
Adam: I made her the only goldie in the room
SomeGuy: I'm gonna be arbitrary, yo
Ninja Rukia: Gome is a cool mod, she should be perminate.
Ninja Rukia shot
Sangome: But Beth asked me and Timber to hold down the fort
Adam: that's reasonable, right?
Sangome: And while Timber DID have to leave
Kimmeh: Watch this.
Indi: wait
Kimmeh left the room. (Logged out)
Sangome: I was assigned a duty :,
Indi: beth asked them to temp mod
Indi: you're screwed Adam
Sangome: EXACTLY
Ninja Rukia: lmao
SomeGuy: Hmm . ..
SomeGuy: . . .okay, my decision is . . . . .
Adam: that was under different circumstances
Sangome: ...
SomeGuy: . . . . . cut the baby in half, so that both mothers can have it
Ninja Rukia: Just pop Adam's blow-up throne and make a wooden throne for gome.
Sangome: . . .
waywardwarrior: HA
SomeGuy: I'm good at this! NEXT!
firezero: yep
Adam: ok
Indi: you know, the more you BS, the more you dig that hole of yours deeper
Adam: if Rockome gives me a hug
Adam: I'll consdier it
Sangome: ...
Adam: consider*
Sangome: consider
SomeGuy: You know Adam has the H1 right now . . .
Sangome: I think I made Kimmeh mad
Sangome: ._.
SomeGuy: And has an open sore on his left chest
waywardwarrior: he has two chests?
SomeGuy: That smells like french onion soup
Ninja Rukia: lmao
Sangome: roffle
SomeGuy: Yes. And one smells like french onion soup
Ninja Rukia: Adam is an onion?
waywardwarrior: and the other? is there booty?
SomeGuy: No, just his open sore
SirLawliet: wow
Ninja Rukia: ....ok
SirLawliet: lol
SomeGuy: He lanced it once
Sangome: I was assigned a duty and you just up and asdjhdkjas
SomeGuy: But it got infected instead
Ninja Rukia: Don't tell me Adam's feet smell like sewer to go along with taht
Indi finishes preparing her EVIL thought she had earlier.
Indi: :3
waywardwarrior: sounds like a roaring hoot
SomeGuy: No, Adam's feet are fine
SomeGuy: Just the open sore
Kimmeh joined the room.
SomeGuy: Though if people hug him, they get infected
Ninja Rukia: WB Kimmeh
Kimmeh: Yeah thanks.
SomeGuy: And they get sores afterwards
Sangome: I'm not hugging an onion Adam
Adam: ok, my decision is this
Adam: no one gets gold
SirLawliet: awwwww
SirLawliet: c'mon
SirLawliet: !
SirLawliet: loll
waywardwarrior: h'osnap
Ninja Rukia: So if I hug him and I get the infection, I'm doomed?
Sangome: Oh for the love of Batman
Sangome: ADAM
SomeGuy: Yup. And then only a headshot will fix it
Sangome: Give the mods their gold back
SirLawliet: I'll hug him!
kiba only: hola
Ninja Rukia: Adam that's mean
SomeGuy: Hey, if this is the only way to be fair
Indi humms to herself
SomeGuy: Then that's what we're gonna hafta do
Adam: I'm teaching a valuable lesson
Sangome: ...
Indi: :3
Sangome: And that is?
SirLawliet: its very philosophical to
Ninja Rukia: Adam...you teach it and it will go in one ear and out the other...
Kimmeh: Gold doesn't make the person.
Sangome: No
kiba only: chats are so busy
Sangome: I'm just giving Adam a hard time
Sangome: :,
Ninja Rukia: Poor Gome
Kimmeh: Thought I made a pretty bold statement.
SomeGuy: The lesson is to live with the belief that there is a benevolent God, because there is more to gain from a correct belief in such compared to a correct belief in no God
Kimmeh: Guess not.
Ninja Rukia gives Gome a pink Foof
Sangome: ...
SirLawliet: SomeGuy: oh?
Adam: gold is an illusion
Kastom joined the room.
SomeGuy: . . . no wait, that's Pascal's Wager
waywardwarrior: Gold...is a color.
SomeGuy: Never mind
Ninja Rukia: Kastom, Adam killed the mods
Kastom looks at sidebar
Kastom: lol
SirLawliet sighs
Adam: gold doesn't make a person powerful, the person makes gold powerful
Ninja Rukia: See no mods
Kastom: That's deep Adam.
Sangome facepalms
Indi: Adam
Sangome: I know this Adam
SomeGuy: It's mostly true, though
Indi: you need to refresh
Indi: :3
Indi: as do the rest of you
Sangome: o rly
Ninja Rukia left the room. (Logged out)
SirLawliet left the room. (Logged out)
Adam: O RLY
Indi: ya rly
Kimmeh: I could just leave.
Sangome left the room. (Logged out)
SomeGuy: I don't really wanna, though
SirLawliet joined the room.
Ninja Rukia joined the room.
Sangome joined the room.
Indi: james
Kastom: leik no wai
Adam: why are people refreshing?
Adam: lol
SomeGuy: I'm enjoying my day off
SirLawliet: HAHA
Indi: just look at my profile and refresh
Indi: :3
Sangome: LOL
Sangome: OMG
Ninja Rukia: gold isnt back
Sangome: OMG
Ninja Rukia: lmao
Adam: what's so funny?
SomeGuy: Oh I get it
Sangome: Adam
SirLawliet: I wanna see some white!
Ninja Rukia: I could say something but I aint going to
Sangome: look at Indi's new avatar
Indi is laughing so hard, she can't breathe
Indi: lol
Ninja Rukia: lmao
SomeGuy: Crystia's a dick, right
Kastom: ...
Kastom: Wow.
Indi: :3
SirLawliet: WHOA
Adam: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kastom: Wow.
Adam: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ninja Rukia: lmao
Adam: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sangome: LMAO
Indi: hahahahahaha
Ninja Rukia: Adam got owned
Adam: @#@#%@#(%!%!)*%!)*%!)*%!)#%*!#%
Sangome: LOL
SomeGuy: Indi is totally harrassing Adam
waywardwarrior: HAHAHA
Ninja Rukia: Adam is swearing
SirLawliet: Hes gonna explode!
SomeGuy: And y'know what? We can't moderate her
Ninja Rukia: O.O
Kastom: Is she ever.
Shinmaru joined the room.
Kastom: lol
waywardwarrior: hawt [/necessary]
SomeGuy: We can't freeze or kick her now
Sangome: SHIN
SomeGuy: Hey Shin'
Kastom: Hey hey Shin.
Shinmaru: Hello.
Indi waits for Adam to boot her out
Ninja Rukia: Adam killed teh gold
Adam: I have never been 0wned as badly as that
Sangome: XD
Kastom: lol
Kimmeh: Adam could give you a permanent avatar in chat like Shin, Indi
Ninja Rukia: Adam, U just got owned
Indi: Told you the evil thought did not include you gome.
Kimmeh: Just sayin.
Ninja Rukia: thats funneh
Indi: you know, he could
Indi: LOL
Ninja Rukia: I saved that icon
Shinmaru: Indi: That is a wonderful icon.
Shinmaru: Yeah.
Indi: I'm glad you like it Shin
Indi: If you do Adam
Indi: pick this one pls
Ninja Rukia: Adam, you look good in a dress.
Sangome: Magical Girl Adam. XD
Kastom resists making a "Princess Adam" joke
Kastom laughs
Desbreko: Oh hey, it's Shin.
Shinmaru is going to the Mizushima/Kuroda panel tomorrow :D
SirLawliet: I wonder what would happen if Adam kissed a frog....
Sangome: Kimmeh I'm sorry if I made you mad.
Sangome: D:
Adam: awwwww
Adam: Rockome and Kimmeh
Adam: hug and make up
waywardwarrior resists the "Adam can be his own Eve now" joke.
Adam left the room. (Logged out)
Adam joined the room.
Sangome: BYE AD--
Ryu: heh
Kimmeh: dc'd lolol
SunfallE: he's probably refreshing so he wont' see Indi's avi anymore
Adam: ......
Sangome: rofl
Indi: hahahahaha