I’m Not Going To Tell You

This week has been interesting in so many ways. It’s been a combination of busy and utterly lazy moments. For starters, I’ve been working on the history behind two of my npc characters in Shinigami Dance. I often dream about what I’m working on so I sort of thought about it but apparently I should have done more than that. I ended up dreaming about The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind instead of the rpg. :p

I had fun laughing at my roommate Sabrina, if you want to know why go and see her post at her world here: Startled I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

Other fun stuff this week was Allamorph finishing up the history for Shinigami Dance that the group has been discussing in various AIM chats for months. He did a fantastic job so go and check that out too. One Down We had a lot of fun creating our own history of vampires for the rpg.

Oh and my title for this post? Des and Adam understand it. So I leave you with that cryptic statement. It’s fun to do that after all. Though I’m sure most people don’t care. :p

Oh and here's something to have you wondering if I've lost my mind. It was Adam's suggestion that I add the caption to this image. >_>

Don't ask, it's better if you don't understand. :p
