
My Fourth of July this year was a disaster. I was with friends heading over to pick up some food for doing a barbecue when a drunk driver ran a red-light and wrecked the car we were in. As far as accidents go, no one was seriously hurt. However, due to getting a concussion (from being slammed into the side of the passenger door) as well as bruises (from the seatbelt) I ended up spending the Fourth and most of the Fifth in the hospital.

Apparently after the wreck I couldn’t seem to keep things straight, people would tell me stuff and an hour later I would have forgotten what they said. It was better by the evening of the Fourth, but they kept me in to monitor and make sure it wasn’t more serious anyway. Other than bits and pieces, I don’t really remember the accident or the immediate time afterwards.

Anyway, my friends are going to be okay too. The driver, Larry, suffered a broken left wrist. Fortunately he is right handed and the break is clean so they think it will heal up nicely. Pat, the backseat passenger suffered some whiplash and bruises and she’s expected to be fine too.

The idiot who was driving drunk didn’t get more than a few bruises, but did get arrested since it’s not his first offense. He will be facing a lawsuit for his stupidity; my father has already been making the arrangements. He may be retired but many of his friends from when he was practicing law here before he moved back East are not. Since a number of witnesses stuck around to give statements… it’s pretty much a done deal. Based on the laws here in Utah, the drunk is looking at least five years in jail if not more.

What else (because these damn meds though they work, are making it hard to think) ah yes. Thank you for all the well wishes, I appreciate them, especially a certain white cat plushie and cute e-card.
