All I’ve done since I got home is sleep, or so it seems. The first 72 hours home… 60 of them were spent in dreamland and accompanied by totally insane dreams that mixed real life, movies and video games into one mad mix of utter inanity. I had Cloud and Tifa from Advent Children, lasers and torture from something I don’t remember the name to and Kratos and others from Tales of Symphonia in a manner I’d rather forget. o_O
Now I’m finally managing to stay awake more than eight hours in a day and the insane dreams have finally settled back down. I’m thinking it was the stupid pain medicine since the moment I was able to cut back on that is the same night the bizarre dreams ended. Not that I don’t have wacky dreams anyway, but this was like having them in overdrive.
Anyway, I’ve been getting around on the site but it’s been hit or miss on account of being tired all the time. That and for the first 3-5 days, I just didn’t care. I felt so miserable that I’d log in, see that people had updated and I’d log out and go and crawl back into bed. Now that I don’t hurt as much I’m reading and getting back into everything.
I have finals coming up in two weeks but I only have two classes and fortunately my major assignments were already done before the wreck so I’m thinking things will be just fine. Then I get to have three weeks of slacking off since the fall semester doesn’t start until the 25th of next month. I’m so going to enjoy that.