Yes It's True

If you’ve seen the thread that Allamorph posted at OtakuBoards and the post in the Watercooler world… Yes it’s true. I am, as of last night, officially engaged to my boyfriend (now fiancé) Nathan. His member name here is Facundity if you're curious. ^^ Anyway...

After a year and a half of dating, he proposed and I said yes. :3 That’s about as coherent as you’re going to see me in this post. I’m still too wound up over the news and I expect that I won’t get much sleep since my mind is racing in circles.

Oh and if you are wondering, the image Allamorph is posting, that is what the ring looks like: ring I just hunted up an image from the company he bought it from since I’m not the type to share pictures online.

Anyway, thanks for all the congratulations and warm wishes. As soon as I know more, as in when and so forth, I’ll be sure to let everyone know. ^_^
