The Heart Of Everything

I love Spring Break. Nothing like being utterly lazy and enjoying it. Honestly, all I've done other than to roam online is play games, watch anime and spend time with Nathan. =3

This of course includes spending time in chat. And since this isn't really lolworthy (or rather CoD) I'm going to post this snippet here since I found it amusing.

Adam: Indi, tell me five words that describe you best
animeangle: waaaaaaaaaa don't leave me
Indi o_O
Indi why?
Desbreko: o_O is not a word.
animeangle: wow i could do that easily
Adam: because i want to know a little bit more about you
jomz: indifferent?
Indi hits Des with a pillow
Indi pffft
Indi not really jomz
jomz: XD
jomz: ok.
Desbreko: Emo, amirite?
Indi lol
Indi god no
Indi I'd shoot myself first
Teh Kimmeh: LOL.
jomz: hahahaha
tokyokisshu: oh haha i get it xD
Adam: haha
Indi hmmm, calm, sarcastic, semi indifferent (depends)
Indi there's a few to start with
nomad009: whats the last two?
animeangle: wonderful
Indi my levels of indifference depend on the topic.
Indi I'm thinking
Indi blunt
nomad009: thats accurate
Indi and caring though like indifference, that too depends.

Now, having read that, how about all of you list five words that describe you in the comments. =P Or just enjoy the picture, either or... both is an option.

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