We decided to experiment in a password protected room to see what words we could get away with. Mainly because the others were talking about a profanity warning and kick. Being a chat mod I'm immune to stuff like that so I'd never heard of it. I don't really swear anyway so it's no big deal to me. The only words I ever use in chat is damn and hell. I don't even use ones that didn't used to be censored.
Anyway, to see what happens I came in as a clone and then got some screenshots of the event since it was pretty funny. =P
Once I had done that I pestered Adam on MSN to add bitch and shit to the list of censored words. Here's a bit of the log for that, I altered his name so don't bother to add it to MSN. lol
Crystia: Adam, we've discovered that chat will warn and kick for swearing
Crystia: By the way Adam, you need to add SHIT to the list of words to be censored.
Crystia: You need to add BITCH too
Adam: who's saying shit and bitch all over the place?
Crystia: no one, but some do
Adam: then they get warned
Crystia:so I figure it should be added. lol
Crystia: Adam
Crystia: ------- ignores it when people use it
Crystia: -- USES IT
Crystia: unless Beth's around to whack ---
Crystia: lol
Adam: yeah but -- only comes in theO chat in after-hours
Crystia: after hours for you and me
Crystia: but what about those members in australia and other countries?
Crystia: there are no after hours
Crystia: for chat
Crystia: =3
Crystia: just saying
So Adam came into chat and added three words. The third was my own user name. The log for that can be found here: See What Swearing Gets You?
So chat was a riot this evening and more words have been added to the filter. =P