Anyone with half a brain knows that being a moderator isn't all fun and games. It's work and often times nothing more than a glorified babysitting job. Now in this paticular chat room, we have those kids who love to play a game called Truth or Dare. [Yes I'm calling you kids, you are, so get over it]
Now normally I don't give a crap if people play games that I think are stupider than hell and immature. You know, the kind of games that are meant to amuse five year olds. Truth or Dare is one of them. It loses it's appeal and apparent charm once you get an ounce of common sense.
My answer to any of the kids trying to get me to join is that they don't want me to, because my dare would be for them to never play it again, ever. Anyway, this has been a problem in the past and tonight was no exception. The game spilled out into the main lobby in the chat and that's just not acceptable.
I'll boot anyone doing this crap and for those of you who have failed to read the site terms, abusing chat can lead to you losing your account here. So that kind of behavior is kind of stupid when you think about it.
Anyway, here's the chat log to show you what I'm talking about:
cheetahgirlz9 joined the room.
Ninja Rukia is a sad pokemaniac
Matt Jeevas joined the room.
Michiyo Shimizu: pokemonnn
cheetahgirlz9: matt we can both do it XD
Ninja Rukia: oh god......
Michiyo Shimizu: o.O
Matt Jeevas: Yosh, same time!
Miss Anonymous: Oh jeez, I can't remember where anything is. XD
Michiyo Shimizu blinks
Michiyo Shimizu: <3
Matt Jeevas flips everyone off
cheetahgirlz9: Matt Jeevas: ready??
cheetahgirlz9 flips the whole room
cheetahgirlz9 left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
red tigress: oh wow, I have a 26 gyrados that mnows Splash, Tackle, and Leer. ><
Matt Jeevas left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Michiyo Shimizu: .__.
Miss Anonymous: I have a lvl 30 Snorlax...
Ninja Rukia: I have a 30 butterfree.....
Michiyo Shimizu: pft.
Shinmaru: OK, I'm going fullscreen to watch FMA, so I'll see you all in a bit. :P
Ninja Rukia left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
red tigress left the room. (Logged out)
Michiyo Shimizu: okay :o
Black Lamb left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Indi: later shin
Shinmaru went away.
HeeroYuey joined the room.
Miss Anonymous: HAHAHAH
HeeroYuey left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Miss Anonymous: I have a lvl 30 Deoxys XD
Miss Anonymous: yuuuuush
Michiyo Shimizu: and that was a truth or dare attempt :| lol
Michiyo Shimizu thought they killed that game long ago.
Michiyo Shimizu looks at the articuno gijinka ._.
kakashi666 joined the room.
Ninja Rukia joined the room.
kakashi666 left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
cheetahgirlz9 joined the room.
Ninja Rukia left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
cheetahgirlz9 sits n waits
Indi: I'm not paying attention
red tigress joined the room.
Indi: but they're coming in here again?
Miss Anonymous: Hey Tigger :o
Indi: with dares?
red tigress: Sorry, my internet on my laptop died so i had to move.
Indi: heh
Miss Anonymous: S'alright
Michiyo Shimizu: yeah, flipped us off. lol
Nehszriah: MISSY
red tigress: And am now sharing a chair with a cat.
Miss Anonymous: o3o
cheetahgirlz98683 joined the room.
cheetahgirlz98683 left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
red tigress: But I dont think I can battle you wirelessly anyway, unless you're like, physically near me.
kakashi666 joined the room.
Indi: who did Michi?
Miss Anonymous: lol nice, Nehz
ignislilium joined the room.
Nehszriah: :D
Michiyo Shimizu: here 8O
cheetahgirlz9 sits uprite
Ninja Rukia joined the room.
Miss Anonymous: Yeah, I don't think I could do it either, Tigger. :(I
Miss Anonymous: ... wtf I
Miss Anonymous: although I found out I have a lvl 30 Deoxys.
vocaloidnova joined the room.
Ninja Rukia: Deoxys suck...
red tigress: the --- IS a Deoxys?
vocaloidnova: ???
Miss Anonymous: It's a legendary.
Ninja Rukia: Raise a Raichu, tha pays off
kakashi666 kiss Indi pasonitaly
cheetahgirlz9: ...........................................................
kakashi666 left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
vocaloidnova: oh pokemon]
Miss Anonymous: I don't like to use legendaries much though.
ignislilium left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Indi: okay
Miss Anonymous: They're cheap.
Matt Jeevas joined the room.
vocaloidnova left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Nehszriah doesn't know many of the new Pokemon, so it's cool.
Ninja Rukia: poor Indi...
Ninja Rukia left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
cheetahgirlz9: com on matt time to go bck
cheetahgirlz9 left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Miss Anonymous: lol Nehz, "converts"
Miss Anonymous: indeed!
You entered fantastic voyage. Room topic is: cool stuff.
cheetahgirlz9: LOLAGE
vocaloidnova: iggy i'm about to put up my new pic
kakashi666 has been kicked by Indi.
kakashi666 left the room. (Logged out)
Matt Jeevas joined the room.
cheetahgirlz9: O o
Indi: That's enough trolling the lobby with that crap guys
cheetahgirlz9: wb matt
Ninja Rukia: gomen nasai
cheetahgirlz9: soz indi
Indi: also
Matt Jeevas has been kicked by Indi.
Matt Jeevas left the room. (Logged out)
Indi: that's for the antics
Ninja Rukia: 1:30 am...
cheetahgirlz9: O O
cheetahgirlz9 has been kicked by Indi.
cheetahgirlz9 left the room. (Logged out)
Indi: Don't make me have to come back kids
You entered Otaku Lobby. Room topic is: General discussion headquarters.
Indi: and done
Indi: I kicked three of the offenders
Michiyo Shimizu: lol.
Miss Anonymous: I thought they were done with those kiddy games.
Michiyo Shimizu: i knew they were going to do something o_O lol they hinted before they were going to do it anyway...
Indi: yeah I kicked the ones involved in flipping people off and the moron that kissed me
Michiyo Shimizu: o___O
Michiyo Shimizu: i didn't see that.. lol
Indi: I sure as hell did
red tigress: what are we talking about?
HeeroYuey joined the room.
Michiyo Shimizu shakes head.
Indi: the kids are doing truth or dare
red tigress: in the other room?
Indi: by coming in here to do their dares
[HeeroYuey whsipering to me] hey why were ppl getting kicked i wasnt there but i can talkt o em about it for ya kuz im there friends
Teh Kimmeh just realized Square-Enix sponsors FMA.
Indi: so I booted the ones
Indi: Heero
red tigress: lol
Indi: butt out of moderation business.
cheetahgirlz9 joined the room.
HeeroYuey: :/
HeeroYuey: sorry
cheetahgirlz9 left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Indi: you don't play truth or dare and troll the other room
Indi: the people know what they did
HeeroYuey: no i dont
Indi: and that's why i didn't kick you
HeeroYuey: just tryin to help
Indi: but I have logs of the others I kicked doing it.
Indi: well don't
Indi: it's not your job
ignislilium joined the room.
Indi: so honestly kid
ignislilium left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Indi: stuff it and get lost
HeeroYuey: :?
Indi: You're not helping, you're being nosy.
Indi: shoo
HeeroYuey: well thanks lady. . .
HeeroYuey left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Miss Anonymous: Did he whisper you or something, Indi? o_O
Miss Anonymous missed something
Indi: yes
Indi: he did
Miss Anonymous: I thought so..
Michiyo Shimizu: o.O lol
Indi: I decided to turn it public
red tigress: lol
Teh Kimmeh was holding it in
red tigress: I was like "WhaaaaA?
Indi: he was trying to play moderator between us as if there was a fight
Michiyo Shimizu face-palm @ kimmers lol
Indi: back seat modding does not amuse me
Miss Anonymous: Indeed.
Nehszriah was greatly amused by the reaming.
red tigress: Kids these days...
kakashi666 joined the room.
Indi: yeah
kakashi666 left the room. (Going to fantastic voyage)
Indi: that one, is just annoying
Indi: and there goes the fool who thought they could kiss me
red tigress: kakashi666?
Michiyo Shimizu: pfftt
Indi: yeah
Miss Anonymous: That was weird o_O
Miss Anonymous: I missed it initially, but then managed to scroll up and see it
Matt Jeevas joined the room.
Indi saves the chat for later use if needed.
Now, as if that wasn't bad enough, some of them got the bright idea to argue over not being allowed to swear. This goes back to the fact that when you join a site, you're bound to the rules. If it says no swearing, you just abide by it, it's not that hard really.
And here's the log on that little problem:
Matt Jeevas joined the room.
Miss Anonymous: I just thought now to show it to you XP
cheetahgirlz9 joined the room.
red tigress: hehe, i appreciate it
Michiyo Shimizu >>
Aceburner remembers that he wanted to grab a screenshot of Slayers 22 to slip into SomeGuy's Caption Battle stash.
red tigress: you're cute
red tigress: thats still one of ms
red tigress: *favs
Matt Jeevas: How come we cant cuss?
Miss Anonymous: Because there's no reason to?
Indi: try reading the site terms
Aceburner: Allamorph: Dude, I used to play as Maxi.
Allamorph: Red:
Aceburner: Enough is said in that sentence, really.
Matt Jeevas: Oh ---, owned
Indi: That's why
red tigress: yes, saw that too I read hers every week.
Indi: also, I'd watch it
cheetahgirlz9 clicks
Allamorph: Ace: Button-mash Maxi, or actually-know-what-i'm-doing Maxi?
cheetahgirlz9: hey indi how do u know that he didnt use the dash??
Teh Kimmeh: Myy laapp
Indi: doesn't matter
Indi: it's the intent I'm looking at
cheetahgirlz9: intent??
Aceburner: Button mash.
Teh Kimmeh curls up in Alla's lap.
cheetahgirlz9: soz i have a headache so yeah
Aceburner: Maxi is way too easy to abuse.
Sangome: That's what she said.
Allamorph: Maxi button-mash is very easy to break because you can get him locked in a swap stance very quickly.
Aceburner: Haha.
Shinmaru: Sangome: ... lol
Miss Anonymous: heh
Allamorph: And then Talim can dart in with a gap-closer and strike through his impending horizontal.
Sangome: Even though Maxi annoys me.
red tigress: Talim's my best.
Allamorph: Talim is the freaking man.
red tigress: But I'm also pretty good with kilik, just cause I poke away.
Allamorph: Kilik I need to get better with again.
red tigress: I'm good with XIanxua and Nightmare too...and...MITSURUGI! REMEMBER IT.
Allamorph: Spent too much time with Seung Mina, forgot how to use him.
Teh Kimmeh: Lol
Aceburner: I tend to main Mi-Na, mostly because her weapon is cool.
Teh Kimmeh: x-x
Matt Jeevas: I still dont understand why we cant cuss
Teh Kimmeh went away.
red tigress: my roommate always kicks my ass as Voldo or Cervantes though
Teh Kimmeh: Uh
Indi: that's the rules of the site
Indi: pretty plain and simple really
red tigress: we only have SCII, so thats all I've played/
Aceburner: Because there be kiddies on the site and they don't need to see the naughty words.
red tigress: for GCN, haha
red tigress: Link bombs!
cheetahgirlz9: Aceburner: i thought that we had to 13 n up
Matt Jeevas: Yeah, look at your rules
HeeroYuey left the room. (Going to Ichiraku Ramen Shop)
Allamorph: More to the point, I don't always want to see the naughty words.
LazieNinjaFrog joined the room.
Sangome: Did YOU look at the rules?
Indi: 13 is just the limit for how old you have to be to join.
Sangome: :P
Allamorph: And I'm certainly not alone.
LazieNinjaFrog: o_o
LazieNinjaFrog: Hello .^.
cheetahgirlz9: Sangome: yes i did
cheetahgirlz9: hey frog
LazieNinjaFrog: Hi chee .^.
Desbreko covers Michi's virgin ears
LazieNinjaFrog: o_o
Miss Anonymous: It's pretty easy to have a civilized conversation without resorting to cussing, actually.
Allamorph: Michi talks like a sailor sometimes, Des.
red tigress: Unless you're me.
Michiyo Shimizu: ....
Miss Anonymous: I do it every day.
Michiyo Shimizu: DES
Matt Jeevas: Keep your personal matters out of your responsibilty
Teh Kimmeh: ...
Sangome: ...
Teh Kimmeh: wtf
Sangome: What?
LazieNinjaFrog: o.o
LazieNinjaFrog: LOLZ XD
Allamorph: Matt: Try some responsibility and we won't have to merge the two.
Aceburner: Allamorph: Popeye's nephews, maybe.
Allamorph: Now drop it.
Desbreko pats Michi on the head
red tigress: Don't you all have school in the morning?
Sangome: How the frick...
Sangome: LOL
cheetahgirlz9: i tlk both ways at skool...plain n then with the cuss
Michiyo Shimizu whacks des.
Teh Kimmeh: ...
cheetahgirlz9: red tigress: no its aftanoon for me
LazieNinjaFrog: I dun cuss acutally XD
Nehszriah is going to stay out of this one.
Indi: what you do at home and at school, is seperate from what you do here.
Indi: don't confuse them
red tigress: me?
LazieNinjaFrog: pokes chee
cheetahgirlz9: i carry my personality with me its apart of who i am
Matt Jeevas: If no cussing, I dont understand why they can still make over PG rooms
Indi: no cheatah
Matt Jeevas: This is my home, I'm in my room
Indi: the chat room isn't your home
Allamorph: Matt. I said drop it.
red tigress: WE aren't in your room.
cheetahgirlz9: n i cnt change who i am soz but i dnt usually swer on here anyway
Allamorph: Now.
Indi: also, you saw the rules,
Allamorph: My patience is gone.
cheetahgirlz9: matt time to stop plz
Indi: accept it and drop it
red tigress: I can't read what they're typing anyway/
red tigress: Like some foreign language...
Pleiades Rising joined the room.
Michiyo Shimizu: hi pleaides 8O
LazieNinjaFrog: I g2g XD
Pleiades Rising: Hello there.
LazieNinjaFrog: c'ya pplz
Michiyo Shimizu: okay, bye bye.
Allamorph waves
cheetahgirlz9: dang cya frog
Matt Jeevas: Yeah yeah, no reason in getting pissed off
LazieNinjaFrog: k sorreh xD
LazieNinjaFrog: its late XD
LazieNinjaFrog: byee
Miss Anonymous: bye bye
LazieNinjaFrog left the room. (Logged out)
Teh Kimmeh: ...
cheetahgirlz9: cya
cheetahgirlz9 fails
Teh Kimmeh hides.
Sangome: ...if you can't carry a conversation without cussing...
Sangome: ...whatever
Sangome walks off
Matt Jeevas: Why isn't that filtered? Pissed?
Aceburner: Face/palm.
red tigress loves children!!1!1111!1!
Teh Kimmeh: Pissed isn't that bad.
cheetahgirlz9: good Q
[Me wispering to Allamorph] the two arguing, are the ones that came in and typed "so and so flipps everyone off" and I booted them for it.
Teh Kimmeh: Seriously.
Aceburner: Because some of them are generally not accepted as swears.
Clyne Lacus joined the room.
Clyne Lacus: hello =3
Matt Jeevas: But it still counts as a swear in the common world
cheetahgirlz9: but stil lcan b used as swear words
Allamorph: Bye, Matt.
Pleiades Rising: Hello there.
cheetahgirlz9: ^can
Matt Jeevas has been kicked by Allamorph.
Matt Jeevas left the room. (Logged out)
Teh Kimmeh: Thank God.
Miss Anonymous: For goodness' sakes, people. ._.
red tigress: Also, adults don't have a list of escalating swears we compare to other people's lists to see who's is the worst./
cheetahgirlz9: im outta here
Clyne Lacus: did something happen?
cheetahgirlz9 left the room. (Going to Ichiraku Ramen Shop)
Sangome: Dude
Sangome: "I'm in my room"
red tigress: lol
Teh Kimmeh: God.
Sangome: But by coming in here, you're in a public setting
Indi: they're gone
Teh Kimmeh: What a smartass.
Allamorph Clyne: Yes. However, I do not want to discuss it further.
Sangome: I know
Allamorph: The rest of you.
Allamorph: Shut up.
Sangome: I'm just ranting
Teh Kimmeh: ._.
Desbreko: Shutting up, sir.
Sangome: o_O
Teh Kimmeh shuts up.
Indi: lol
Michiyo Shimizu: lols
Indi: Dessy, you're fun
Indi: =3
Nehszriah is obeying the Basement Cat.
Clyne Lacus somehow understands
red tigress left the room. (Logged out)
Michiyo Shimizu: fun..
Michiyo Shimizu: sdlfjslfjslf
red tigress joined the room.
Clyne Lacus: WB!
Sangome: Very fun.
Michiyo Shimizu: welcome back :o
Michiyo Shimizu: .. lol
Aceburner: As a last word on the matter, a summary of what you just witnessed:
Allamorph: Indi, do you have the logs from the earlier kicks?
kakashi666 joined the room.
Indi: I do
Sangome: wtf ace
Allamorph: Good.
As you can see, if you make an ass out of yourself over that, we'll kick you out for that too. If the rules are THAT hard for you to follow, then why are you here? You choose to sign up, remember that.
Try and show a little more maturity guys, I don't care if you play Truth or Dare, but don't go dragging others into your pathetic little juvenile games. It's not cool and you'll end up getting banned off the site for being a disruptive ass.