So You're Going To Kill Me...

Sometimes I wish I understood what goes through people's minds when they make utterly stupid and dumb statements in chat. I mean think about this, what person is going to sit back and calmly laugh at someone joking about killing everyone? Especially when you don't even know the person saying it. I can tell you right now, no one is going to laugh at that.

And this doesn't even cover the convo where someone decided to hit me with a potted plant cause I wasn't a fan of the Final Fantasy Advent Children movie. I'm sorry, but if you're going to say something is the best movie ever, it had better actually be more than a flick made to cater to fans. But I'll post that chat another time... maybe. =P

Kibaumi 's gonna kill you all
Indi: o rly?
MandaNoel07 left the room. (Logged out)
HeeroYuey: oh that was
HeeroYuey: cool?
HeeroYuey: XD
mewmewlover55 joined the room.
Indi: MEW
LaviStrikesBack09: MEW!
Indi: WTF?
Miss Anonymous: Hey mew.
Indi: MEW
HeeroYuey: i think most of us know what irony was though
mewmewlover55: i cant sleep @_@
LaviStrikesBack09 cat mews
Indi hugs mew
mewmewlover55: cuz i cant sleep @_@
LaviStrikesBack09 purrs
Indi: Same here, I had to take some meds for allergies.
Indi: so I came in here
mewmewlover55: o.o
Indi turns mew into a kitteh and snuggles her
mewmewlover55: @,@
[Miss A Whispering to me] I was like... "wtf kibaumi"
Indi: Nice Des
[Me whispering to Miss A] I know. lol
mewmewlover55: luuulz kitteh : D
mewmewlover55: AWWWWWWWW
Indi: Yup
mewmewlover55 eats teh kitteh
Indi: lol
mewmewlover55: .w.
Indi: There can only be one mew
Indi pets mew
BadHairDay999 joined the room.
BadHairDay999 left the room. (Going to mountain on the hill)

mewmewlover55: ^_^_^_^_^_^
BadHairDay999 joined the room.
mewmewlover55: sad kitteh D:
BadHairDay999 left the room. (Logged out)
mewmewlover55: or is that a wtf kitteh ._.
mewmewlover55: i cant tell @.@
Indi: Looks more like... OMG SHE"S GONNA EAT ME! AHHHHHHHHH
mewmewlover55: LOL
mewmewlover55: mwhahahahahhaha
mewmewlover55 shot
Indi: I dreamed that I had a kitteh the other night
Indi: cute little white thing with one black ear
Indi: ._.
Indi: I was sorry I woke up
Miss Anonymous: Awwwww
mewmewlover55: ;~;
Indi: She'd crawl up on my shoulder and sleep when I was reading.
Indi: I remember how soft her fur felt on my neck in the dream. lol
Indi: o_O
mewmewlover55: O.O
Indi: I'm so allergic to cats
Indi: so it had to be a dream, I wasn't sneezing or anything. lol
mewmewlover55: oh okay XDD
Kibaumi 's still gonna kill you all
Indi: Why?
mewmewlover55: o.o
Miss Anonymous: And may I ask why?
Indi: Cause honestly, that just sounds stupid
HeeroYuey: please dont kill me
Indi: I'll kick you out first
HeeroYuey: i have to many things to file
whereami461 joined the room.
Indi: Exactly Des
Indi: plus
whereami461 left the room. (Going to mountain on the hill)
Indi: you don't even know where we live
Indi: so, dumb statement is dumg
Indi: dumb*
HeeroYuey: i dont want my room to remained unfiled
Miss Anonymous: lol dumg
mewmewlover55: x3
HeeroYuey: Dung?
Indi: needs to be an n for that
Kibaumi is gonna kill everyone EXEPT heero
Indi: Oh fine
eltreakol joined the room.
Indi: be that way
eltreakol: ok
eltreakol left the room. (Going to mountain on the hill)
Indi: live in your delusions
HeeroYuey: hooray
Kibaumi: unless he doesnt reply
Miss Anonymous: Also, it's spelled "except".
mewmewlover55: o_O
Indi: yeah, there's that too
Miss Anonymous: If you're going to threaten our lives, at least use proper spelling.
HeeroYuey: i wont let you kill anyone kiba
Indi: snerks
HeeroYuey: :/
HeeroYuey: well
Indi better yet, don't do it period.
Kibaumi: HeeroYuey: too late, God already know that i kill people
Kibaumi has been kicked by Indi.
Kibaumi left the room. (Logged out)

mewmewlover55: ._.;;;;
Indi: and that's enough of that crap
HeeroYuey: wow
HeeroYuey: well shoot
mewmewlover55: LOLdes
Miss Anonymous: Nice
Indi: that's awesome Des
Indi: but seriously
Indi: joking about killing people
Indi: isn't funny
HeeroYuey: well pup my stinkin didle
HeeroYuey: now you know
Indi: How about I kick it instead?
HeeroYuey: and knowing is half the battle
Indi: Knowing I'm going to kick won't prevent it
HeeroYuey: eh?
Indi: so the battle is lost before you've begun
HeeroYuey: :_:
HeeroYuey: wat did i do
Indi: You tell me
Kibaumi joined the room.
Indi: a lot of your random statements make no sense
Indi: and you
HeeroYuey: i dont know what i did
Indi: no more joking about killing people
Indi: got it Kibaumi?

As I told Miss A later on in whispers... MOAR Babysitting.
