I mentioned the other day that someone hit me over the head in chat with a potted plant cause I wasn't huge fan of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. I wish I was kidding, but here's the chat. I said it before, if you're going to claim something is the best movie evah... you'd better have more to it than a fan based obsession.
Kibaumi: Indi: its from a movie
Indi: which movie?
Kibaumi: Indi: Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Indi: I haven't watched that in forever
HeeroYuey joined the room.
HeeroYuey: woot
LaviStrikesBack093990: FF7 - AC!!!
HeeroYuey: orly?
Desbreko is looking forward to THORA releasing a BD rip of FFVIIAC Complete Edition
Kibaumi i love it
Indi: I was kind of disappointed in it.
Kibaumi: oops
Indi: too much of a fan film with no real plot.
Kibaumi: Indi: WAHt!!!!!
Desbreko: It was an action movie. I didn't really care about the plot.
Indi: exactly
LaviStrikesBack093990 smashes potted plant on indi's head
Indi: Oh grow up children
Miss Anonymous: Uhhh, it's just a movie.
Miss Anonymous: Grow up indeed.
Indi: So I didn't squee and love it
eltreakol joined the room.
Indi: get over it
LaviStrikesBack093990: Indi: .........
HeeroYuey: did the video game form of it come out yet?
HeeroYuey: i didnt like it either
Kibaumi: well, i dont care what you people think, cause i own 2 copies of that movie and i love it
Indi: that's the point
HeeroYuey: it drug out to long
Indi: people like different things
Indi: so getting mad is well
Indi: childish
Kibaumi: i wasnt getting all mad
eltreakol: what are you argueing bout? :/
Indi: I mean the one who hit me with a potted plant
Indi: not you
Indi: The action bits were fun to watch
HeeroYuey: i really stopped playing final fantasy when ten came out personally
LaviStrikesBack093990 pretends not to know
Indi: I'm not a blind fan of Final Fantasy Advent Children, that's what the fight is
Indi: or rather disagreement. lol
Desbreko: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6jQQbDKDvA&fmt=18
Indi: lol
Indi: Nice Des
Desbreko: Nightwish makes everything better.
Indi: You know it
Indi: =3
Kibaumi: i dont care
HeeroYuey: oooh
HeeroYuey: nightwish does
Miss Anonymous: Thing with movies like FFVII:AC and even .hack//G.U. Trilogy is, no one outside the fanbase can really appreciate it.
Miss Anonymous: *the thing with
Miss Anonymous: oh gosh, I should go sleep
Indi: lol okay
Indi: Night you
mewmewlover55: gnight : o
Miss Anonymous: Not till this video is done
HeeroYuey / i wanna see nightwish in concert now
Indi: hahaha
Miss Anonymous: on YouTube
Desbreko: :p
mewmewlover55: jk O_O
Miss Anonymous: a .hack one
Indi: Same here
mewmewlover55: loll
Miss Anonymous should review .hack//G.U. Trilogy sometime...
Indi: Heh
eltreakol: http://www.booksie.com/humor/short_story/newmoon13/this-is-how-a-kid-explains-(sex)
eltreakol left the room. (Going to mountain on the hill)
Miss Anonymous: The movie tried to fit too much into 90 minutes.
Miss Anonymous: That's where it fails.
Miss Anonymous: But the music and animation was purty.
Miss Anonymous: I mean, .hack//G.U. was a three game deal. Lotsa plot to cover. And the movie tried to replicate that within only 90 minutes.
Miss Anonymous: Suffice to say, a lot had to be cut out.
Miss Anonymous: Or summarized very quickly.
Miss Anonymous: Luckily the last 50 minutes of the movie or so are actually fairly enjoyable.
Miss Anonymous just realized no one probably cares what she's saying right now.
Kibaumi: ffviiac was the best movie ever made!! (that i know of)
Indi: clearly you need to see MOAR movies.
Indi snerks
Miss Anonymous: I think you need to watch more movies then.
Miss Anonymous: The Lion King is better than FFVII:AC. >>
Miss Anonymous: [/personal opinion lol]
Indi: The Lion King is good though.
Indi: lol
HeeroYuey: well i like starwars
Miss Anonymous: I love the Lion King.
Kibaumi: Miss Anonymous: i have probably seen more movies than you, i just have really great feelings for anime
HeeroYuey: or metal gear solid
Miss Anonymous: Wow, you clearly know everything about me, Kibaumi.
mewmewlover55: go see it on broadway :D:D:D *shot*
Indi: I like the original Star Wars the best
HeeroYuey: i consider it to be a movie
Miss Anonymous: Thanks.
Indi: the newer ones had fun stuff in them though
Desbreko: Well, MGS4 does have more movie sequences than gameplay. :p
HeeroYuey: Desbreko: yessir
Kibaumi: Miss Anonymous: well, im just sayin. i have seen A LOT of movies, and i have special feelings for anime
Miss Anonymous: I love anime too, but that doesn't stop me from thinking that FFVII:AC was an average movie.
Miss Anonymous: It was hella pretty, sure.
Desbreko: I actually enjoy watching MGS being played more than playing it myself.
Indi snerks some more
Miss Anonymous: There's definitely better stuff though.
HeeroYuey: i think mgs in general would fit the movie screen well
Miss Anonymous: A really good movie should be accessible to anyone and everyone.
Miss Anonymous: FFVII:AC is limited to its fanbase.
Miss Anonymous: Strike one.
Indi: Not just a fan base
Indi: ha
Indi syncs with Miss A for great Justice
HeeroYuey: Miss Anonymous: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX07j9SDFcc
LaviStrikesBack093990 went away.
Desbreko: Ooh, this one looks good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzZm0mKweO8&fmt=18
Kibaumi: Miss Anonymous: no, i LOVE anime, like if i could own every single anime thing ever i would. i have really big feeling for anime. REALLY BIG.
Miss Anonymous: I get it.
Miss Anonymous: You really love anime.
Miss Anonymous: STILL.
HeeroYuey: i love cheese
Desbreko: Cheese IS pretty awesome.
HeeroYuey: but i dont want to own all the cheezes
HeeroYuey: because cottage cheese is just gross in my opinion
Indi: Cheeeeese
mewmewlover55: eww cottage cheese XDDD
Indi: I like cottage cheese though
Indi: haha
Miss Anonymous: FFVII:AC is still just an average film. To fans it's more, but to make it the best movie ever it'd have to be more than that.
Indi: The lowfat stuff is good with crackers and vegies
mewmewlover55: X3.... ewwwwww XDDDD *shot*
HeeroYuey: indi i commend you
HeeroYuey: for being the cottage cheese eater for all of us
Indi: My dad tried to watch that movie... he's never played FF so he thought it was dumb
Indi: His exact words were... what was the point?
Indi: and I had to tell him
Indi: you need to play the game to fully get it
Miss Anonymous: Another strike is in the execution of the plot. Again, the movie counts on the audience already knowing the characters, so anyone outside the fan base is likely to be confused.
Desbreko: Yeah, without the game's story, it really makes no sense.
Indi: so then it was oh... a fanbased film, what a waste of time then
Miss Anonymous: And even if you know the game, it's hard to follow and kinda stupid.
Indi: he thought the action looked fine
Miss Anonymous: So strike two.
HeeroYuey: well hay naw
Miss Anonymous: I'm not saying you can't enjoy it.
Indi: but it made no sense whatsoever to him
Miss Anonymous: Just don't make absolute statements like that.
Indi: Best movie evah.... *snerks*
HeeroYuey: this is a awesome final fantasy song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FylLyh7gYFI
Desbreko: The Prelude?
HeeroYuey left the room. (Logged out)
HeeroYuey joined the room.
Desbreko: Ah. It's a medley.
HeeroYuey left the room. (Logged out)
Miss Anonymous: And to conclude my argument, I will give FFVII:AC one thing. It has very nice animation. And if I could remember the music, I'd probably say that was good too.
Miss Anonymous: I'm not saying everything about the movie sucks.
HeeroYuey joined the room.
Miss Anonymous: But, good graphics and music can't propel a movie up to best movie ever status.
Miss Anonymous: That's what I'm saying here.
HeeroYuey: wow chat sure is being nasty today
Miss Anonymous: If you'd like to make a rebuttal, feel free.
Oh, and for the record, they never did come up with a rebuttal to what Miss A had to say. What you see, is what you get.