Eviction Notice

Well this week has been extremely interesting. I guess I will start with the most obvious question since I am sure people are wondering about how my last post went. It is quite simple; the benefits of accepting the part time job far outweighed those of turning it down. As some of you pointed out, if it doesn’t work out, I’m not locked into it for life.

I will be taking the SSW exam next week though. That’s Social Service Worker if you’re wondering. The reason for that is I’ll get paid five dollars more an hour if I have that certificate. I do have to pay an 85 dollar fee for it, but its well worth it since the additional pay will be nice.

I already took the practice test and aced it so I’m not concerned about it. I intend on becoming a full counselor and the preparation for that is more demanding than for social service so getting my bachelor’s covered what’s on the test and more. So even if the real test has more stuff that the practice one didn’t, I’m not too worried about it.

My classes were rather interesting. Day one of the Psychology of human sexuality was okay. The ratio is about two thirds guys vs. one third girls. My other class was more evenly mixed. What was really fun [insert sarcasm here] was day two. One of the guys got it in his head to make a pass at me in the middle of class no less.

I wish I was kidding, but about halfway into the class, when he thought no one was looking… he reached over and placed his hand on my right leg before whispering “The best way to learn about human sexuality is to do it” *facepalm* If you’re wondering how that worked, the desks are tables that are big enough for two people at a time to sit at them.

Needless to say, I was not amused and shoved his hand off. I started gathering my things to move to another table (I was going to talk to the teacher when class was over since I won’t tolerate that kind of thing) when I realized, as did the moron, that the teacher had noticed. She wasted no time at all and told him that the class was not for hitting on other students. It was like this. “[insert name here], this class is not for attempting to pick up on fellow students. Leave, immediately.”

So he did. I found out later when I talked to the teacher that she had seen what he did with his hand and my shoving it off. She said my expression made it clear that it was unwelcome and even if it had been, she doesn’t tolerate that kind of thing in the class. So once I told her what he said to go along with it, it’s a done deal, he won’t be back. It was amusing to see how well behaved everyone was after that though. lol

So that was my week. =P The idiot should be glad Nathan wasn’t there. He probably would have tossed him out the window, head first. I can forgive him attempting to hit on me, after all he may have missed that I have an engagement ring on, but putting his hand on me like that, when I don’t even know him is completely unacceptable.
