Stealing is Doctrine

Okay next song in the series I think its actually a flash back so if you cant figure it out heres the gist of it

The reason they have been calling Len a dog is because he actually was one Len is a dog. It's not a metaphor or anythin'. Rin, of course, is human. And her twin brother is the human Len you see near the end, who dog-Len refers to as "the brat". Now, dog-Len took that brat's yellow scarf as a gift for Rin, but... notice how in the illustration with a lot of Ronalds, they all wear yellow scarves? I'm guessin' human-Len having one means he was on their side, and thus had to shoot dog-Len for revealing that. Rin then shoots her brother (confirmation on this comes in the next song) and, bein' devastated by the whole thing, shoots herself next. Told ya things would get complicated. But the next songs will clear up what this one introduces. So enjoy the complicatedness XD
