Random rants about whatever happens to come into my brain at the time. >_>


Im a lunatic. That has to be the reaosn Im so creative because I swear to god if I was normal half of this wreckage I spew out on paper wouldnt exist. One day I know Im going to lose my mind, snap, and become an entirely different entity. Wouldnt that be fun? To see a man walking down the street screaming at someone who obviously isnt there and carrying on a conversation as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Oh, its gonna happen. Theres no stopping it. Its just a matter of time before the decay of my mental state errodes the walls of balance and topples the foundation of sanity that I have grown so accustom to. When that happens I wont know who the hell I am anymore.

Good times. Good times.

Traveling Artist

I know I havent been here in forever. I actually started my own website. This place is just too confusing to me at times. I hadnt been here in a long time and I got this email saying that "things have changed" and I should come back. So I came back to see what all the fuss was about only to remember why I left to begin with.

I really dont like this site anymore. The configurations just drive me insane.

But anyway, Im sure you're wondering what on Earth Ive been doing in my long absence. You are wondering that arent you? Well Ill put your mind at ease by telling you that I started drawing a manga. Yes yes, I know, stupid little starving artist cant draw for shit is attempting a manga? Is the world coming to an end when they just let anyone off the street make a manga?

Apparently so.

Its not published yet and I have no idea if it ever will or not. I am on the third book; yes, I said book. There are actually books! Wow.

Aside from the manga, I have made a calendar which was art hell and also reminded me that I dont work well on time constraints. I also wrote a short story. God Ive been busy.

I know you would rather see some art so Im going to post some up. Continue to tell me how much I suck. It rivitalizes my soul in the faith of degradation.


What is up with the otaku? I uploaded some of my art but when I go to click on it it gives me a 404 error. When I click on anyone else's art it does the same. Ugh this sucks. Ever since Otaku changed over to this new style I feel like its' been going downhill..

Manga Stylings

I have noticed that my style has improved over the past few months of working on it. I submitted another comic this time with Reno and Rude in it. I thought it turned out okay but it wasn't as good as the Rufus one. It took twice as long though since I had to color it. God I hate coloring pictures.

Temporary out of it

I finished writing my book but now I have to go back through the motions of redrawing all the pages. Its going to take a lot of work and time. But at least its finished in some aspects..