First amv ever! and other random crap...


I made my first amv a couple of weeks ago. Yep. All by myself. Took 2 days and it's pretty crappy but I was told it's not bad for a first try? I don't know. You guys can be the judge:

Other than that I haven't been doing anything productive art wise. I entered a few contests on here but nothing else. I need to start working on the Calendar for next year.

On the other side to that, I have finished work on my collaboration book with gokusangel20. For those that are reading this (why are you reading this? are you really that bored??) I wrote a book featuring Durarara!! (Shizaya), Sengoku Basara and a lot of original characters. It's actually pretty good. I'm in the final stages of editing. I hope to get it mini-published this year. Probably won't sell any but it's a fan fiction so at the very least I'll have a nice copy for myself.

Yeah, that's about it. Peace Easy.
