"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3

voi ch'intrate

Christmas Tree Fail

So, we got our Christmas tree this morning. My cousin and her fiance came up for a visit so we took them out to the tree farm so we could cut down our own tree. Everthing was going good, we had the tree up, lights and ornaments on it. Everything. My cousin, sister and I were just sitting in the living room hanging out, my dad was outside working, my cousin's fiance went into town, my mom was on the computer, when all of a sudden....CRAAAASH. Our tree fell over. With all of my mom's breakable ornaments on it and everything. So all of us vaulted off the couch and tried to rescue ornaments, luckily none of them are broken...but our tree is leaning against a window while my dad is running to Lowes to get us a new tree-stnad. [sighs] Hopefully it won't take too long to figure out how to put the tree back up and redecorate it.

Tired, Cold and Bored

So, things here in the Land of Ink really aren't that exciting. It's cold here. I'm sick because of it. I just finished my college writing class. I get my SAT scores on the 22. And I kind of feel like I'm stuck in limbo.

Things have been really calm recently, and I'm hoping that it's not the sort of calm as in 'calm before the storm' kind of calm. More just 'calm because everything from here on out is going to be smooth sailing' calm. I doubt it, but a girl can hope.

I wish I had more time to just be a bum and play Zelda. I'm stuck in the stupid Spirit Temple in OoT. My dad made himself a file because he's trying to beat me to the end of the game. I kind of made a stupid bet with him that if he beats the Spirit Temple before I do I'll delete my file and start over. He's about to beat Volvogia in the Fire Temple. I really don't want to have to delete my file, but he's catching up to me fast. I'll have to kick my butt into gear, then. Too bad I have no idea what the heck to do in this stupid temple...


I'm retaking the SAT today, hoping to up my score by at least 110 points. Please, keep me in your thoughts or prayers or whatever. I'm really nervous, but I'm hoping that bringing it up by only about 100 points won't be that difficult.

[sighs] It's going to be a long day.

Por Gracias

I am thankful for all of my Otaku friends. You guys are great.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Dear, temporomandibular joint. I hate you.

I'm dead serious. For those of you who don't know, the TMJ is the joint that hinges the jaw to the skull. And it sucks when it locks up. I grind my teeth and clench them when I'm stressed [which, surprise surprise, I am right now] so my jaw has basically been useless all day. It was a challenge to eat yogurt. YOGURT! I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to fit the spoon it. And it took me 20 minutes to eat a banana because I kept having to just pull off tiny chunks that I couldn't really chew all that well. It feels like someone punched the left side of my jaw and it's all swollen...but it's not swollen. It just feels that way. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to hopefully fix it, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. But it's driving me insane, I can't talk, can't eat, can barely move my head! It hurts so freakin' bad, I just want to cry! :(