"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3

voi ch'intrate


So, I currently hate how busy I am. It's rather annoying. I'm kind of having one of those moments where I really just want to sleep...but I can't. And it sucks a lot. I have about 7 and 1/2 days left of school. Which means it is exam time and I am going to have to prepare for the SATs soon--but hopefully I won't have to whine about tests for long, because I am not going to stress out about them. Not going to sress. Nope. No stress. Ink's blog is now a stress free zone. Ok, so that's a lot of BS, but still--I'll try not to stress out.

Tonight is the awards ceremony for my school--they're doing this craptastic slide-show of pictures from the entire year. I say it's craptastic because I made it. Hopefully it works. It took me and one of my guy friends about 2 and 1/2 horus to figure it out this afternoon, because we tried to publish it to a DVD but that didn't work, so we had to think on our feet and put it on his zip drive and then put it on the Mac that's hooked to the soundboard and the projectors. He claims it works, so hopefully it does. I'll be in trouble if it doesn't. Whatever.

I'm really tired. And I have no idea why. It doesn't really make sense. I mean, I had yesterday off school; but for some bizarre reason, I'm exhausted.

Oh well, dinner's ready so I'll stop typing for now. Ciao.


I'm going to have a panic attack sometime soon. I can feel it coming on. I hvae 7 days of exams for one class alone. SEVEN. DAYS. Crazy. It's my Spanish 3 final, and so we have like three seperate verb tests, one on grammar, one on vocabulary and then an oral test. But, I also have tests in all of my other classes. And I'm stressed, because whislt studying for these exams, I also am trying to get ready for the SATs. My best guy friend put it to me this way, this morning, "I don't know why you're stressing out. This is just the test that can define what you do for the rest of your life!" As if I weren't already hyperventalating, thanks, buddy. He was joking, but still!! I know, I know. I'm being overdramatic. But I had a panicy moment this morning because of it. I had one of those: oh my God, I'm going to fail, my life is going to end, I'm going to end up on the street, living in a cardboard box eating Big Macs out of the garbage moments.

In other, better, news. I have a three day weekend. Yay. My clique and I [we've started calling ourselves a clique...we're not...we're just a whole bunch of best friends trying to get away from all the drama that's been going on lately] are all going out tomorrow night. After school we'll be carpooling to a local park...which we technically can't go to because no one over the age of 10 is supposed to be on the playground equipment, but whatever, and so we're going to play there for a while...dorks...and then we're going to go see Terminator!! After the movie we're going out to one of the best local restaurants. This place as the BEST specialty sandwhiches ever. They're awesome. It's also a notorious hang-out for people from my school...we all tend to congregate there. So, hopefully our group 'date' will be fun.


Dance recital went really well!! I don't think anyone in my class messed up, the little kids I taught were ADORABLE, and we had a great audience that clapped and cheered a ton, it was really encouraging! So that was good. I thought I was going to pass out because all I had eaten that day was some Kraft Mac and Cheese and some Starbucks coffee, but it was all good.

Sunday was busy with church-related activities, and now Monday has rolled around and I'm tired but happy. And kind of bored, but bored is good. I'm trying not to stress out as school comes to a close--I'm thinking about things I want to do next year, like I want to dance a solo next year. I've already picked out a couple possible songs. And my best friends--my clique, so-to-speak--have all said they'd come to see me dance a solo next year, so that's cool. I might recruit you guys, my Otaku friends, to help me pick out music. I've already got a couple possible songs--and I'm still not sure that I'm going to be able to do a solo, but I can hope. My possible songs thus far are: The Sixth Station from the Spirited Away soundtrack, Lullaby by The Spill Canvas or Say Goodbye by Skillet, Strange and Unprepared by Copeland, Spinning by Jack's Mannequin, You Know We All Love You by My Epic and Nine in the Afternoon by Panic! At the Disco. I don't think Lullaby would get approved with the drug-abuse references, and all...but my sister wants me to dance to it. [shrugs] And it sucks that I can only pick one--but my dance teacher will probably turn down all my picks and make me dance to something from Giselle or something. Bah. I want to do ballet my way!!


There are times in life when you're simply tired--and then there are those rare times that you are so tired that even going to sleep seems like a chore. Currently, I'm past the point where sleeping seems like a chore, I'm so tired I'm functioning on auto-pilot, waiting to pass out.

I got up at 5:45 this morning because my school had a fieldtrip to the local theme park. Only it's not that local because it takes like 2 hours to get there. So forget I called it local. It's more like in the same state. Whatever. Anywhoo--so we went to the amusement park and rode a mess of rollercoasters. It's always fun to get to the very top of a rollercoaster [while riding with a good guy friend of yours] and then spotting the guy in your class whose ex-girlfriend of the guy you're sitting next to cheated on with. Needless to say some inappropriate words were screamed as we went down the hill. It was rather hilarious. I walked around the park for a good 6 hours on only about 4 hours of sleep, though. A couple of my friends and I had to leave early to come back to my hometown. The girl who gave me a ride home had to drive back for her husband's college graduation, and I had dress rehearsal for ballet recital. I got back to the school at 4. Grabbed an apple and a water bottle and kicked my tail into gear to get over to the auditorium so that I could try to bathe myself in the sink of a nasty, auditorium bathroom. Bad idea. But I digress.

So, I went to go prepare for rehearsal for the first show. During that show, I have to babysit the kids I used to teach dance to. Of course, I have to run backstage with them, position them onstage before the dance starts, ect. It's all rather annoying. We have 'parent reps' that are supposed to do all this. But, of course, my parent rep was incompetant. Great. Fabulous. Just what I needed. So I was the one hounded with all the questions of "Miss Ink, can I go get some water?" "Miss Ink, can I go to the bathroom?" "Miss Ink!! I gotta pee real bad!!" or "Miss Ink, my costume isn't on right." "Miss Ink, I'm in the next dance and I don't have the proper costume on, I need to go change come with me?" "Miss Ink, my throat is scratchy, I think I'm getting sick..." Yes. My stress level went through the roof. And so I just left. I had to go dance, so I told my useless parent rep "I need to go put my costume on, and go dance. Watch them." The rehearsal for show two wasn't as bad. Mainly because I didn't have to watch more than a dozen bratty kids. I stuffed McDonalds chicken and a McFlurry into my mouth in record time and then sat there, feeling like I was going to die. And then I came home.

So I was gone from my house since 6:45 this morning and FINALLY got back at about 9. Needless to say, I'm dead tired. But, I'm the kind of tired where I feel like I can't sleep. AUGH. I just want to go to sleep. I just want to be able to put my head on my pillow, close my eyes and for a couple of hours slip off into La-La Land. But no. I can't sleep. INSOMNIA. FAIL.


I just realized one of the saddest things ever. Ok, so I'm being melodramatic, but it's still pretty sad. I'm not going to be able to go to AMA this year. I'll be in Mexico! So no anime conventions for Ink this year. Oh well. Maybe next year after I graduate I'll be able to go to one of the bigger cons...

In other news, my toe is still pretty swollen from getting stung. Hopefully it will be better by the weekend because I have an effing busy weekend and I cannot afford to have a swollen toe! We're going to an amusement park on Friday, then Friday evening I have dress rehearsal for my ballet recital and then Saturday is the actual recital, where I not only have to dance but I'm also a glorified babysitter! And then I'm going to be a runner. So I get to watch my kids during the first show and then in Show 2 I get to run up and down stairs at the college's theater to fetch dances and make sure everyone's on stage at the right time. Sounds like fun. Right? No. I hate recital--I hate dancing in front of people. I feel like a monkey at the zoo, put on display so people and oooh and ahhh at me. [grimace]