"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3
- Created By ink.black.sky
Tengo una pregunta
Translation: I have a question.
How many people read my short stories: posted on my other world? I'm not trying to get more hits on it or anything, but I was just wondering who would be interested in reading my full length story... I didn't want to clutter my other world with this post so I decided to do it here... So I have a couple more questions...
+Do you read my other world?
+Would you be interested in reading The Broken Music? [Affectionately--or lazily--refered to henceforth as TBM]
+Should the story be told from the perspective of one of the characters or a third party?
+Would you mind waiting for it while I revised it and polished it to make me not embarassed of it...?
Alright, I'm done with the Spanish Inquisition for now.
My day was kind of fun... Teased Muffin endlessly...I'm not going to even go into details with my day of annoying my only male classmate. My friends and I messed with him so much today, it was ridiculous. I needed to get it in though, Spring break started today. Well it started today for me, at least...
I'm ditching school tomorrow. Don't worry, I'm not going to go have fun tomorrow. I'm getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out. It sounds brutal, and everyone that knows about it has told me their horror story. I really don't see how that's supposed to lift my spirts....
A Little Better Day
Today was a little better than yesterday. Actually, people's comments on my last post made me a little more optimistic! So, if you commented yesterday--thank you, you saved my sanity. Thanks. [smiles]
At least today wasn't made from the same mold that all my other days have been made from. We took a field-trip in art class, and went to an art exhibit. And praise the Lord, my classmates [10th grade] refused to be driven in the same vehicle with 7/8 so we got to ride in the teacher's car. Kind of sad that my entire graduating class fits in a mini-van... We also begged our teacher to let us go to the coffee shop, and she let us! Yippee, skip the first part of science class to get coffee; sounds good to me!
Then the rest of the day was kind of boring, but I still had my coffee. The day's always good when I have an iced, caramel latte to get me through it...
Blue Period?
Has anyone ever had a specific time in their lives that they truly felt like a zombie? Like their life was dead and all that was keeping it going was one measly little heartbeat? That is currently how I feel. I look around me and it seems like ...Dinner is Served...I wish.
Instead of getting dinner for myself--like I'm supposed to be doing--I'm here posting. This is in part to my lack of the ability to decide what to eat and the fact that nothing currently in the kitchen sounds appealing. I have to shove something in my mouth in the next half hour before I trudge off to ballet.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately...How can someone as uncoordinated as I possibly be a good dancer? I mean if anyone read myOtaku, then you'll possibly have read about the Skate Trip from Hades and know that I fell more than I care to say... And then that got me thinking about how much I loose my balance in dance class. I fall quite often. Especially when doing pointe [the pretty form of ballet when one dances on the tips of one's toes] I fall quite a bit. I wonder why my classmates and teacher put up with me...? I trip over my own feet all the time at school, occasionally grabbing onto people around me and taking them down with me. All this random crap. It doesn't help that my shoes have no tread on the bottom so I slip all over the place... There's my problem: I need shoes with better traction...
I posted art. Go check it out if ya already haven't. Beware it contains vast amounts of sugar and mountain dew!
So back to the monotony of school tomorrow, blegh. This has been one crazy long weekend. I mean, I had nothing to do, so I guess it just seemed like an eternity. And I so wanted to get important things done. Well, I guess I got some photography done. Go to my dA gallery [www.Gray-Ink.deviantart.com, for those who don't know] to check it out. My computer is being sassy at the moment and giving me an error message whenever I try to post anything. So I guess the only good pictures are the collage I did called "March 15". I'm so uncreative with names... Fail.
Perhaps I'll decide not to pay attention in class tomorrow and draw ya'll some good anime. How'd ya like that?! Mmhmm.
Dang it. I'm hyper right now. I don't even know why. [thinks] I only had one, maybe two, Mountain Dews today. And maybe an entire package of Girl Scout Cookies. Maybe. I'm so addicted to sugar.
I keep saying 'so' don't I... So, what to talk about now...? ARGH. ...Uber-fail. so.
I'm going to stop this madness, and just go try to drown myself in some good old-fashioned sleep. Night, everybody.