...that's why I'm glad Jesus saved me and I'm going to heaven. I'm dead serious. I've just spent the past half hour locked in a battle with two printers. One of which is a nice printer/fax/scanner model that my dad uses for business--up until just recently, it worked just fine with my laptop, then I messed it up and it won't print with it anymore. That was ok, we still had another printer, not a nice one, mind you, but it still worked. But, it chose the exact moment I brought it into my room and hooked it up to Napoleon to die and start eating paper like candy. I swear it's been sucking up like four sheets at a time, then it will laugh at me with its mouth full, while I try to pull the poor sheets of paper out of it. I've had to do this more times than I can count and my crappy science related mess still has yet to print even half of what I need. I'm tempted to just beat the rest of the life out of this heap of plastic-heck and then tell my teacher that my printer ate my homework. I feel like such a dork parked in the middle of my bedroom floor, surrounded by the fallen attempts at printing, and paper waiting on death row, and my laptop looking at me beseechingly and the stupid, evil printer snickering. I want to kick something. Kick something really, really, really hard. I should be concentrating on getting the stupid printer to work; but, I needed to vent. ARGH!!!!
I think there'll be printers in hell...