
Tomorrow is picture day. I HATE picture day with a burning passion. I am not photogenic. [Or pretty, for that matter...] And we have to do senior formals tomorrow. So I have to get all dolled up and wear the ugly drape and all that jazz. Blegh. I am not looking forward to it at all.

Umm...went to go see Where The Wild Things Are on Friday night. It was really good--but really sad. It was very well done, though. If you want to go see it I would recommend it.

Not much else is going on. I've been working a lot because a lot of people have things going on, so I have to fill in at the office. Had the coolest encounter on Friday when I was working. I was talking to this little boy who was telling me that he was a robot from an alien planet who had crash landed here on earth. Coolest. Kid. Ever.

The Internet at my school keeps going down. Which is not good for those of us who are enrolled at the community college taking college courses. We can connect to the wireless network just fine, but our ISP keeps having seizures or something, so the Internet is unreliable, which is starting to really stress everyone out. We finally talked to the school administrator about it and hopefully the problem will be fixed, because it's starting to really piss me off.

Not much else to say. Life is pretty boring, but boring is good.
