Tres Anos

So, it's officially been three years since I joined theOtaku! It's so weird...three years. That either feels like a long time or a really short time. I don't know which.

And now for something completely different: It's supposed to snow a ton tonight. I'm done with snow. If you all remember from my posts in December, we already had snow. Like copious amounts of snow. Ten inches of snow, which for the south is a lot. And now, we're supposed to get anywhere from 12-20 inches, leaning more towards the 20 side of the scale. Boo. The only good thing about getting this much snow would be perhaps getting out of school on Monday. [sighs] I need to move further south.

Ok. So right now we have the wierdest history project going on. I have no idea what this 'expirement' is for but as far as I can tell it has nothing to do with what we're studying. The class was divided into two colours: orange and purple. I'm orange, BTW. And our teacher posted things throughout the school banning orange from certain areas and giving priveleges to the purples. So far, as an orange, I can't use the water fountain, go into the computer lab, use a certain stall in the girl's bathroom, the purples got to leave for lunch early while we had to wait forever, I couldn't sit at any table in the lunch room except one, sit at my desk in the history classroom, sit at the back table in the history classroom, and I got denied candy [except for Whoopers]. I have no idea what this project is for. Some of us think segregation; but we're not studying segregation. All I know is that the oranges are getting the short end of the stick and I want to know why. It's been kind of fun, but it's really weird. I'm just waiting to see what the heck is going on.
