So, technically today was my last day of school. It was the elementary/middle school's field day. Because I go to a small, private school the high schoolers were roped into helping out with the little kid's field day. It was about 90 something degrees out there!! Each of us were assigned a group of little kids to go take around to each game. My kids were older, so they at least could listen. I had 3/4/5 graders. My older sister had to take around the PreK and kindergarteners. Poor her.
Anyways, we played all these games. Well, they played them I stood there and got sweaty just watching them. Then it came time for me to move my group to Muffin's game. Muffin was running a variation of 'duck duck goose' where you drip a little bit of water on the kids head going around the circle, then the 'goose' is whomever gets the entire cup of water dumped on their head. I, of course, decided to steal one of the cups and throw water at Muffin, he retaliated, so we were both soaking wet.
We went inside to eat ice cream. And then some more games for the little kids.
And then...
The highschool and older middleschoolers got to have a water balloon fight.
I got so wet, it was awesome!! We had a ton of fun. We had one balloon left so we all stood in a circle and put our heads together and a girl broke the last balloon all over our heads. It was awesome!!
So, graduation is tonight. I get to be an usher. Go me. Unfortunately, I have to look 'pretty'...dun dun dun. My mom wants me to wear a dress I wore to a wedding last summer. It's strapless and floral print, I think not. I'll just wear a nice skirt and call it good.
So, I hope ya'll are having a good summer. For the hour and a half that it's been official summer vacation I know I've had a pretty good summer thus far...