A Little Better Day

Today was a little better than yesterday. Actually, people's comments on my last post made me a little more optimistic! So, if you commented yesterday--thank you, you saved my sanity. Thanks. [smiles]

At least today wasn't made from the same mold that all my other days have been made from. We took a field-trip in art class, and went to an art exhibit. And praise the Lord, my classmates [10th grade] refused to be driven in the same vehicle with 7/8 so we got to ride in the teacher's car. Kind of sad that my entire graduating class fits in a mini-van... We also begged our teacher to let us go to the coffee shop, and she let us! Yippee, skip the first part of science class to get coffee; sounds good to me!

Then the rest of the day was kind of boring, but I still had my coffee. The day's always good when I have an iced, caramel latte to get me through it...
