one day down...eternity to go.

Title = I've yet to have Mountain Dew today; as I'm actually trying to cut back on the massive qualities of it I drink. I sat down and thought about it a while ago and I figured out that the three or more Moutain Dews I drink a day might [just might] be fueling my insomnia...and that might be why I'm so spastic all the time.

So, now that my iTunes loves me again [see my last post for when it hated me] I figured it was time to start subrsribing to the podcast again. I haven't listened to it yet; but, it's there...all shiny and podcast-y. I'll listen to it later when I have more time. Right now though, my iTunes activity is consisting of downloading a couple songs by Muse and Secondhand Serenade. I found Muse through the book series Twilight [it's on the book's playlist, if you go to] and then iTunes gleefully suggested I listen to Secondhand Serenade [because I bought 'Hey There Delilah' by Plain White T's] and now I'm addicted to both. [laughs] My parents have a designated '5 dollar allowance a month' for me on's what, April 2 and I've used up 2 of the 5 already...I could pull out the 'I haven't had Napoleon for two months' excuse for gaining those months back...though, during March I finally broke down and used my dad's computer to fuel my need for fresh music. I filled my 5 new songs quota for March... I have my own money though, I should go buy myself an iTunes gift card.

My day was boring. Hence why I just put that uber long paragraph about my adventures in iTunes. The only fun thing about today was the evident surplus of donuts at the school. Every single teacher has a least two boxes of Krispy Kreams just laying around their rooms. All of my teachers say, "No I can't eat those!" So, the students have free reign of the donuts. [laughs] I had two before second period ended... Perhaps that makes up for my lack of Mountain Dew...? Nah, donuts can't compare to Mountain Dew. Muffin kept imitating one of the 7th graders from art class [hisses at the mention of the 7th grade] apparently this unsuspecting kid had donut residue on his face and was obnoxiously chewing his donut with his mouth open [ack!] and then when Muffin and another one of the 7/8 laughed he asked "what?" while spewing chunks of half-chewed donut across his desk. It was funny in a disgusting way. Muffin had to have reenacted it 6 times today...

I have youth group tonight. I'm on tech booth duty. My mentor [who fixes the things I screw the time I shut the entire computer system off during the middle of service...that was awful] is going away tonight. I'm all alone. It's just going to be me...I have no clue how to do the power point thing. Thankfully, our youth pastor said he'll help me before service. I can breathe a sigh of relief.
