So, I'm having some problems with the ex. I hate calling him that because he's a good guy [it sounds so bad, ex. It sounds like the way you mark an incorrect answer], he just apparently hasn't gotten the message that I'm not interested in a relationship with him. He told a mutual friend [when they were talking about girls] that 'he had the girl he wanted--but she got away'. I feel so bad for hurting him. I know I porbably shouldn't because it would have hurt me to stay with him...but that just makes me feel selfish. He was flirting with me earlier today and he asked me if I was going to see him tomorrow [and like an idiot] I said yes. But I don't know how to tell him that the lines of our friendship are blurring... I just feel so helpless, and I don't want to hurt him again. This sucks.
What about the term "friends" is unclear?