May's Obligatory Emo Post

I had a pretty good birthday. Got some cupcakes at human video practice and then Mom and Dad bought my twin and I a chocolate ice cream cake that can only be described as epic. It was so good. [drools]

Today was my last ballet class of the year. And of course I go through the entire year without confronting any of my bratty classmates but today broke that streak, because one of the worse girls totally belittled me in front of the entire class. You know what, I didn't need that! I didn't! I know I suck, I know I'm stupid, I know I'm fat, I know I'm ugly, I know I can't dance; therefore, YOU DON'T NEED TO POINT THAT OUT! kthanxbye.

I registered for the SATs today. I'm kind of scared, but whatever. I need to take them. [shrugs] I just want this whole mess of applying/getting accepted into college to be over with. I stress myself out so unnecessarily about this kind of stuff, but I wouldn't be me if I weren't stressing about something. I've cried a lot in the last couple of days. Augh. That's so annoying. I hate crying, I feel like a big baby.

I'm such a loser. [/emo]
