So, tomorrow is the exam day from hell. I have an exam in every single one of my classes. Oh my Lord. I'm not too worried about Spanish or Psychology, but Chemistry... I'll probably leave youth group early [especially after what happened last week...which I don't think I've actually talked, nevermind] and then study for my stuff. We went over the math for SATs yesterday so I'm feeling a little more confident. My twin and one of our guy friends and I are all taking it on Saturday so we're going to meet at the store his parents own and then walk to the testing site. It's only a couple of blocks. But we have to be there at 7:45 in the morning. I'm sure I'll be awake and stressing out by then, but it's still early...
Anyway, we only have a day and a half left of junior year. It's gone by so fast. It's so weird. I'm both nervous and excited for what the future will bring! But I'll keep blogging my boring life for you guys to read. Hopefully I'll start to get more interesting! :P